INNEHÅLL: 1. U-landsdiagnostik -- 2. U-land i omvandling – 3. Utvecklingsmodeller – 4. Utvecklingsarbete, planering och strategi
INNEHÅLL: 1. U-landsdiagnostik -- 2. U-land i omvandling – 3. Utvecklingsmodeller – 4. Utvecklingsarbete, planering och strategi
To permit certain statistical operations verbal response categories in questionnaire response scales must be given appropriate numbers. In this study the routines used to assign such numbers are discussed. A method to evaluate the metric properties of response scales, simultaneously being an alternative way of assigning proper numbers, is proposed....
Criteria for measures of attitudinal polarization, i.e. degree of opposition among people on a specific issue, are proposed and some formulas, including the standard deviation, are evaluated in relation to the criteria.The formulas were also tested on empirical data with respect to level, dispersion and agreement of received values. The measures on...
Del I: Förändringar i utbildningsval och vissa bakgrundsfaktorer Del II: Social bakgrund, tidigare studieerfarenheter, erfarenheter av studier vid universitet och högskola och stabilitet vid val av utbildning
In an investigation with linear typal analysis on a representative sample of the Swedish population (N = 229 participants) and a local sample with N=31 environmental activists two attitudinal types were found. Type I respondents seemed to be more concerned than type II respondents. Type I gave environmental problems a higher priority, was critical...