Michelsen, Gunnar
Tegnspråklige med redusert hørsel opplever i dag grensehinder når de krysse nordiske landegrenser. Forskjeller i regelverk, praksiser, saksbehandlingstid, tilgjengelighet på tegnspråktolker og fravær av et felles nordisk personnummer eller ID-nummer er noen av barrierene som tegnspråklige møter. Personer med funksjonsnedsettelser opplever flere og ...
Bäcklund, Clara Mirzakhanian Tonojan, Caroline
Bullying and abusive discrimination in the workplace is a social global phenomenon that can lead to several consequences for those who are exposed. The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase our understanding of bullying in the workplace. We intend to fulfill the purpose by finding out how bullying in the workplace can be expressed, a...
Göhle, Emma Wikström, Jennifer
Onboarding is a strategy used as an introduction for new employees with the purpose to retain staff and skills in an increasingly competitive labor market. Onboarding aims to introduce the new employee to the organization. The new employee is expected to develop knowledge and skills that existing organizational members possess to become an effectiv...
Berg, Jessica Ihlström, Jonas
Det övergripande syftet med studien var att utforska skillnader i erfarenheter och upplevda hinder i kollektivtrafiken mellan personer med neuropsykiatrisk diagnos (NPF) och personer som inte har en NPF-diagnos. Ytterligare ett syfte var att studera i vilken omfattning NPF och upplevelser av kollektivtrafik har studerats tidigare och vad forskninge...
Matséus, Amanda
Ericson, Johanna
Ideella engagemang finns inom många delar av samhället, så även inom universitetsvärlden. Vid universitetet finns bland annat studentkåren som huvudsakligen arbetar med att bevaka och höja kvaliteten på utbildningarna. Utöver studentkåren kan studenterna engagera sig i olika föreningar som bland annat arrangerar aktiviteter eller fester. Studentern...
Sjöberg, Stefan Kings, Lisa
The Swedish universal welfare state has transformed since the 1990s into a mixed welfare model with increasing deregulation, recommodification, and reverse distribution from the public to the private sector where capital and influence have concentrated. In major cities such as Stockholm, this has resulted in a polarization where groups in the city ...
O’Hagan, Lauren Alex
This paper explores the historical development of protein-enhanced foods in Great Britain and how they were marketed by food manufacturers to convince consumers that protein was essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It focuses particularly on Plasmon and Emprote - the two biggest brands of the early twentieth century - and uses multimodal c...
Sandberg, Linn Lövgren, Karin Hearn, Jeff
In recent years, there has been a rise in portrayals of greying protagonists in popular fiction, often featuring older people in humorous and heart-warming stories. An emerging genre within this literature is the “geezer and grump lit”, a genre where older people are active protagonists, and while often portrayed as grumpy “’usually turn out to hav...
Hultman, Lill Sandman, Fredrik Nelson, Jeanette Åkerlund, Mikael von Koch, Lena Tistad, Malin
In a participatory action research project, we emphasize experiences of collaboration between academic and community researchers by applying analytical autoethnography. The aim of the article is to describe the research process which involves both individual and collaborative processes, and to analyze challenges in relation to participation in the ...