Sahin, Selma Mitku, Meron
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur studenter från invandrarfamiljer som är födda och uppväxta i Sverige uppfattar och beskriver sin etniska identitet, samt hur medias beskrivning av gruppen invandrare påverkar deras identitet. Har dessa personer ett behov av att välja mellan olika identiteter i Sverige? En kvalitativ metodologisk ansats valde...
Andersson, Carolina Phalander, Vilma
Work-family conflict (WFC) definieras som en upplevd konflikt mellan krav inom arbetsrollen och krav inom familjerollen. Detta kan ha negativa effekter på individers hälsa och välbefinnande. Eftersom Skandinavien har en utmärkande familjepolitik förväntas individer uppleva WFC i samma utsträckning inom dessa länder. Studien syftar till att undersök...
Hartvigsson, Hampus
In the study of identity and conflict, much research has focused on a macro-perspective where two or more antagonists are in conflict of power. Social construction of identity, and more precisely identity as social categories that are changeable and the result of discourse, human thinking and action provides a picture of how identity may change as ...
Michelsen, Gunnar
Tegnspråklige med redusert hørsel opplever i dag grensehinder når de krysse nordiske landegrenser. Forskjeller i regelverk, praksiser, saksbehandlingstid, tilgjengelighet på tegnspråktolker og fravær av et felles nordisk personnummer eller ID-nummer er noen av barrierene som tegnspråklige møter. Personer med funksjonsnedsettelser opplever flere og ...
Leandersson, Ellie Ådell, Alice
In this essay we will be discussing how middle aged women have reflected upon their sexuality in relation to their age, plastic surgeries and the various beauty norms that are prevalent in our society today. We have done this through six different interviews with women within the age group 45-60. Sexuality, in this essay's meaning, is defined as th...
Almgren, Axel Sundling, Jan
Lindberg Jonsson, Jennifer
Gender and risk are both components of our everyday life, put in a context of occupational segregation, they become increasingly interesting. Does risk-assessment and ontological security affect occupational choices and does those aspects differ between the genders? These are some of the questions that this study aims to examine. The relevance of t...
Wahls, Rina
The Swedish educational reforms of the 1990s introduced a choice- and voucher-based system, which allowed students to choose schools regardless of their proximity to them. As a consequence, new opportunities for geographical disparities in educational provisions as well as in home-to- school mobilities have emerged. The following thesis addresses t...
Åkerlund, Mathilda
Background: This thesis explores the far right online beyond the study of political parties and extremist far-right sites and content. Specifically, it focuses on the proliferation of far-right discourse among ‘ordinary’ internet users in mainstream digital settings. In doing so, it aims to bring the study of far-right discourse and the enabling ro...
Larsson, Ida
The purpose of the study has been to, through a qualitative interview create an understanding of abused women and their experience of psychological violence, how it has affected their emotional experiences and mental health and how relationships with people outside the relationship have been affected. Four female participants were interviewed where...