Rum för flexibla kroppar : Om ableism, öppna kontorslandskap och alla de andra
The disparity between the ongoing use of criminal profiling and the lack of empirical evidence for its validity is referred to as criminal profiling illusion. Associated risks for society range from misled police investigations, hindered apprehensions of the actual offender(s), and wrongful convictions to mistrust in the police. Research on potenti...
Socio-hydrology has expanded and been effective in exposing the hydrological community to ideas and approaches from other scientific disciplines, and social sciences in particular. Yet it still has much to explore regarding how to capture human agency and how to combine different methods and disciplinary views from both the hydrological and the soc...
Motivation in working life can be meaningful to work with. If the organization conducts stable motivational work, it can affect employees' motivation, development, and productivity. The steel industry that this study intended to examine, showed us that production managers were invested in working with motivation toward employees. The steel company ...
The main purpose of this study is to examine how jargon and culture are described by employees in the construction industry and how it is maintained and reproduced in relation to masculinity norms and power. It further examines if the jargon is characterized by homosociality or social influence, and contributes to the understanding on whether this ...
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur ungdomars psykiska hälsa kan påverkas av fysisk interaktion på fysiska samlingsplatser samt deras motiv för att intressera sig för meningsfyllda fysiska samlingsplatser. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en kvalitativ ansats i formen av en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar indikationer på att fysisk intera...
The cultural sector has become an important part of the ‘new economy’ and has affected artistic practices as well as the road to becoming an artist. By discussing two female students’ paths to aesthetic education, the article sheds light on some of the sociopolitical and economic conditions that students in transition between elementary and upper s...
Bullying and abusive discrimination in the workplace is a social global phenomenon that can lead to several consequences for those who are exposed. The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase our understanding of bullying in the workplace. We intend to fulfill the purpose by finding out how bullying in the workplace can be expressed, a...
Onboarding is a strategy used as an introduction for new employees with the purpose to retain staff and skills in an increasingly competitive labor market. Onboarding aims to introduce the new employee to the organization. The new employee is expected to develop knowledge and skills that existing organizational members possess to become an effectiv...
Det övergripande syftet med studien var att utforska skillnader i erfarenheter och upplevda hinder i kollektivtrafiken mellan personer med neuropsykiatrisk diagnos (NPF) och personer som inte har en NPF-diagnos. Ytterligare ett syfte var att studera i vilken omfattning NPF och upplevelser av kollektivtrafik har studerats tidigare och vad forskninge...