Eldeblad, Lovisa
The shadow society is a rather new and increasingly debated concept within the Swedish public sphere whilst remaining an unexplored research subject. To fill this research gap, this study uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to reveal and deconstruct problematic representations by Swedish political parties with the purpose of generating knowledge...
Granström, Saga Backman, Linnea
This essay explores endometriosis from a sociological perspective, with a focus on its impact on women in their everyday lives, work, and social contexts. Endometriosis, a condition affecting approximately 10 percent of women during their reproductive years, is a prevalent but incurable disease, with treatments only alleviating symptoms. Despite it...
Kamel, Gerges
Den här studien har som syfte att undersöka hur universitetsstudenter har upplevt omställningen från campusbaserad undervisning till distansundervisning under Covid-19. Studien begränsar sig till universitetsstudenter och utforskar tre frågeställningar: Hur upplevde universitetsstudenterna interaktionen under distansundervisningen med lärare och st...
Borgelin, Anton Norrlander, Eric
Johansson, Tilde Eek, Wilma
The aim of this study was to examine healthcare professionals perspective on why men are less likely to seek healthcare for eating disorders. The study seeks to understand and highlight the potential challenges men face when seeking healthcare for these conditions. To address this issue, the following three questions were posed: What social factors...
Segersköld, Maja
I denna studie undersöks framställningen och förmedlingen av kvinnliga ideal på sociala medier, med fokus på mediefenomenen “Self-Care” och “Clean-Girl”. I studien diskuteras det ökande inflytandet av sociala medier i unga kvinnors liv, där särskilt fokus ligger på TikTok som är en av de mest framträdande plattformar i den yngre generati...
Keisu, Britt-Inger Ahlström, Björn Poromaa Isling, Pär Schmauch, Ulrika
Balancing between conflicting ideals. A study on ethical leader-ship, gender equality and diversity work in an upper secondary school. The aim of this article is to explore what characterizes principals’ ethical leadership in relation to gender- and diversity work at an upper sec-ondary school distinguished by its elite program profile. Our main re...
Högwall, Julia Törnblom, Louise
Occupational roles are constantly changing in today's society. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new EU directive that sets requirements for companies sustainability reporting, which may change the occupational role of HR managers. The aim of the study is to investigate if, and in that case, what changes in the occupational r...
Svensson, Ludvig
The purpose of this study is to investigate sensemaking among employees within large service companies regarding sustainable development. To fulfill the purpose and address the research questions, the study has been conducted through six semi-structured interviews with employees from three major service companies. The collected data has been coded ...
Rosing, Stella
This study is about how information about generative AI can affect studentsdifferently. The aim for the study is to find out if an academic background canaffect the way students assimilate the information and how it affects their use ofthe generative AI tools. The study is focused on students at Linnaeus University.In order to accomplish this, I ha...