Charakterisierung von Ultraschallprüfköpfen mittels rechnerischer und experimenteller Methoden
Under certain conditions, horizontally polarized shear (SH) waves can be generated by using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers. To explain experimentally observed phenomena and to predict the cases where SH-waves might be best employed, simulation of inherent wave propagation effects such as beam skewing, splitting and distortion is required. In ...
Anisotropic structural materials like fiber composites, but also columnar-grained stainless steels raise considerable problems for ultrasonic inspection due to the well-known wave propagation phenomena of skewing, splitting and distortion. In this respect, simulation and optimization in ultrasonic testing have gained a considerable importance. In t...
Piezoelectric transducers are the basic tool for ultrasonic NDE applications and are commercially available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and frequencies. However, the information that is typically provided for these transducers by the vendors is of limited value. This is especially true when it comes to testing of anisotropic structural mater...
At last year's conference a theory of elastic wave propagation in transversely isotropic media has been presented. In order to provide information from a practical point of view the theory has been evaluated to yield field patterns of Gaussian Wave Packets (GWPs) in unidirectional graphite-epoxy as well as centrifugally cast stainless steel. Numeri...
Die Bewertung von Ultraschallanzeigen wird seit Beginn der Ultraschallprüfung vorwiegend auf die Echohöhe und die Echodynamik als wichtigste Kenngröße abgestützt. Darauf bezogene Schallwerte für die Zulässigkeit von Ultraschall-Anzeigen in Regelwerken beruhen häufig auf Modellvorstellungen, die den jeweiligen Stand der Entwicklung der Prüftechnik u...
This paper mainly presents recent improvements in ray tracing algorithms. The Sound Particle Simulation Method (SPSM) and the Mirror Image Source Method (MISM) are well known room acoustical methods of numerical sound field simulation, especially of concert halls. All important room acoustical parameters can principally be predicted by both methods...
Die elektromagnetische Ultraschall-(EMUS-)Wandlung stellt diejenige Technik unter den Verfahren zur koppelmittelfreien Ultraschallwandlung dar, welche derzeit den hoechsten Entwicklungsstand erreicht hat. Zur optimalen Nutzung dieser Technik unter variierenden Anwendungsbedingungen ist die Entwicklung von spezifischen Pruefkoepfen erforderlich. Um ...