Der Erdgasverbrauch in Europa wird den meisten Prognosen zufolge in den kommenden Jahren weiterhin zunehmen. Da die heimischen Foerderungen der meisten europaeischen Staaten sich im Abschwung befinden und viele traditionelle Lieferanten bereits ihren Zenit erreicht haben, muss zwangslaeufig auf neue Angebotslaender ausgewichen werden. Europas guens...
Energy economy developments of the world, the EU and West Germany are gone into. The main aspects discussed are the coal market and trade which depends on political decisions and concepts, but also on the availability of other primary energy sources such as oil and nuclear power. The situation of the various countries in the field of coal is illust...
Stadermann, G. (ed.)Forschungsverbund Sonnenenergie, Berlin ...
Subjects: Solar thermal power plants - technology and perspectives; Solar thermal power plants - potential and implementation; Industrial-scale PV systems; Wind power systems (Offshore systems, integration in power supply networks, solar chimneys); Solar hydrogen - innovative power generation technology. In the poster session, a combined cycle sola...