Transienten-Untersuchungen in der PKL-Versuchsanlage (PKL III A). Bd. 1 Versuchsergebnisse. Abschlussbericht
The thermohydraulic response on the primary and secondary during transients with and without a break were investigated in the PKL Integral test facility. The results show that: isolating one, two or three of four SGs does not lead to stalling of existing steady state natural circulation in the isolated SGs; the growth of an upper plenum steam bubbl...
In the context of the research project, the set task is to support the extensive experimental project of Bergbau Forschung GmbH Essen for the further development of steady state atmospheric fluidized bed combustion at the component test plant (CTA), to the extent that it is accessible for mathematical modelling, by previous, accompanying and evalua...
Im Hinblick auf Ursachen der chloridinduzierten Lochkorrosion in Dampferzeugerheizrohren und Schutzmoeglichkeiten wurden Einflussgroessen des Lochkorrosionspotentials U_L(T,[Cl"-], Me_nO_m) und des Ruhepotentials U_R([O_2], [N_2H_4]) des X2NiCrAlTi 3220 untersucht. (orig./DG) / With regard to the causes of chloride-induced hole corrosion in steam-r...