Gibart, Jules Piet-Lahanier, Hélène Farago, François Galeotta, Marco
Liquid propelled rocket engines (LPRE) are highly non-linear systems that require complex stability analysis and regulation. Most often, this is performed by linearizing in the neighborhood of a functioning point which makes it difficult to account for changes of points e.g. for reusable launchers. In this paper the objective is to propose a non li...
Jaroslawski, Tomek Forte, Maxime Moschetta, Jean-Marc Gowree, Erwin Ricky
Two separate experiments were conducted on a three-bladed NACA0012 rotor operating at a blade tip Reynolds number ranging from 44 − 110 × 10 3 using phase-locked infrared thermography (IRT) coupled with force and torque measurements. The first experiment consisted of a parametric study on the impact of forcing boundary layer transition using roughn...
Marc, Lazareff Moretti, Rocco Errera, Marc-Paul
This paper is devoted to the study of numerical methods used in the analysis of a thermal transient flight cycle. Two priorities are stressed. The first one concerns a stability issue, namely the fluid-solid interface conditions. The main properties of the Dirichlet-Robin and Neumann-Robin conditions are first recalled, before proposing for the fir...
Jaroslawski, Thomas Vermeersch, Olivier Moschetta, Jean-Marc Forte, Maxime Gowree, Erwin Ricky
Experiments were conducted to study the transition and flow development in a laminar separation bubble (LSB) formed on an aerofoil. The effects of a wide range of freestream turbulence intensity (0.15%
Moufid, Ilyes Matignon, Denis Roncen, Rémi Piot, Estelle
The acoustic properties of rigid porous media can be described by the equivalent fluid model (EFM) in the frequencydomain, involving complex-valued functions. These physical quantities can be irrational, which leads to fractional derivatives in thetime domain. Besides, this model is built with a constant flow resistivity, which is known to grow lin...
Boutonnier, Luc Boussafir, Yasmina Tourment, Rémy Courivaud, Jean-Robert
Avec des sécheresses en France de plus en plus courantes ou, à l'inverse, des épisodes pluvieux dont l'intensité ou la durée augmente, les exploitants sont confrontés à la gestion d'un parc de digues et barrages dont la vulnérabilité est parfois amplifiée par ces évènements. L'intensité des sollicitations hydrauliques est une première préoccupation...
Sipp, Denis Rigas, Georgios Colonius, Tim
In a linear input-output analysis framework, the most amplified instabilities are typically described by considering singular vectors of the resolvent operator of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. In this study, we extend the methodology to take into account nonlinear triadic interactions by considering a finite number of harmonics in the fre...
Rigas, Georgios Sipp, Denis Colonius, Tim
We identify the nonlinear optimal mechanisms at the edge of the turbulent regime through solution of the frequency-domain Harmonic-Balanced Navier-Stokes equations. Specifically, we seek the optimal harmonic or multi-harmonic forcing mechanisms that maximise the skin friction coefficient asymptotically in time, which can be viewed as the minimal fo...
Andrianatrehina, Soanarivo Rinah Li, Zhong-Sen Taibi, Said Fleureau, Jean-Marie Boutonnier, Luc
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