Object of this work were the steady state and the transient properties of a tangle of quantized vortex lines - the so-called superfluid turbulence - in a counterflow. The experiments were performed in the temperature range from 1.5 to 2.0 K, using a wide counterflow channel (3.16 x 0.95 cm"2 cross sectional area, 20 cm length) and heat fluxes in th...
A total of 17 profiles of small scale density fluctuations have been measured in the lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere by means of sounding rockets. The fluctuations are used to derive turbulent parameters, such as the turbulent velocity. The accuracy of the absolute numbers is unprecedented thanks to the very high spatial resolution and an i...
Gommlich, G.Yaramanci, U.GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
The in situ densities of rock salt were measured with a gamma-gamma borehole probe while the seismic velocities were determined by means of a hammer-blow test. Material samples were taken from the same locations, and the densities and velocities were determined in the laboratory according to the conventionally employ methods. Values of the compensa...
Froehlich, H.Hegmann, H.Saus, A. (Duisburg Univ. (Gesamthochschu...Battelle-Institut e.V., Frankfurt am Mai...(gesamthochschule) (germany), duisburg u...
The chances of success of the process of electroacoustic in-situ soil cleaning will be investigated on the basis of the decontamination efficiencies achieved on the site of the Zeitz hydrogenation plant. The adaptation of the process to the specific conditions of this site will be investigated exemplarily with original soil samples. If the tests ar...
In the first part of this thesis the preparation of the YBaCuO single crystals is described. In the second part the anisotropy of the magnetization and the flux pinning is measured and analysed / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: H93B5376 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / DE / Germany
The wave equation (#partial deriv#_t"2 + H) u = 0 with H: = f"2(x) "n#SIGMA#_j_,_k_=_1 D_jg_j_k(x)D_k, x element of R"n describes the propagation of acoustical waves as well as electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous media. The L"#infinity# functions f and g_j_k are short range (Enss type) perturbations of other functions f_0 and g_j_k"0, respective...