In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Experimente zur Sorption und Desorption von Schwermetallionen an Oberflaechen von Sedimenten der Lahn beschrieben. Anhand diverser Versuchsreihen, bei denen sieben Metalle oder andere chemische Verbindungen, wie Saeuren, Komplexbildner und Salze zugesetzt wurden, wird gezeigt, in welcher Weise die Sorption und die ...
In laboratory experiments the influence of aliphatic and aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons on the microstructure of undisturbed Keuper clay and on clay dominated by different clay minerals was investigated. The densified clays of different water content were placed in a double-ring permeameter and perfused with the pollutants. Changes in microstructu...
In the first part of the study the bioavailability to mammals and bacteria of polyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils was examined and compared. The results showed that PAH toxicity towards bacteria stems exclusively from the water-eluable PAH contained in these soils. The bioavailability to bacteria of PAH therefore essentially depends on th...
In Labor- und Freilanduntersuchungen wurde der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Faktoren auf die Sorption und Verlagerung von Schwermetallen in Boeden ermittelt. Bei allen Versuchen stand die Veraenderung der SM-Sorptionseigenschaften der Boeden in Abhaengigkeit von der Bodenreaktion im Vordergrund. Aus den Felddaten wurden Gleichungen zur Beschreibung d...
Butte, W.Fox, K.Schmidt, A.Zauke, G.P.Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)univ., 9 oldenburg
Applying OECD-method No. 305 E (Bioaccumulation - Kinetic Flow-Through Fish Test) bioaccumulation factors (BCFs) for 2 phenols [4-n-nonylphenol and Irgasan, a chlorinated phenoxyphenol at 4 different pH-values of the water], as well as for 35 organohalogen compounds [28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 4 isomeric hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), hex...
Presently there are several methods to remove mercury from offgases, which only change the offgas-problems to a problem of effluent or a problem of waste. The aim of this investigation was the developement of stable substrata for selected sorption of mercury-loaded offgases. The specific ability of mercury to form amalgams is to be utilized. First ...