Le marche mondial de la viande: Boeuf et mouton
Study on the trends of cattle herd, slaughtering, beef price and world trade of fresh and frozen meat, w. data on importing and exporting countries.
Study on the trends of cattle herd, slaughtering, beef price and world trade of fresh and frozen meat, w. data on importing and exporting countries.
Sheep and goats of tropical Africa were studied. Data on breed types, management systems, ownership, nutrition and productivity included for both species. Their contributions to live weight biomass, meat production, and registered slaughtering units described. Some measured production parameters for African goats and sheep in semi-arid areas includ...
Tabellen ueber: Auftrieb an Schlachtviehmaerkten (Mannheim, Ulm - Rinder, Kaelber, Schweine, Schafe), Schlachtungen und Fleischanfall (gewerbliche u. Hausschlachtungen), Rinder und Schweine in Versandschlachtereien u. Fleischwarenfabriken (Anzahl und Preise), Verkaufserloese der Landwirtschaft (aus tierischen Erzeugnissen), Viehbestaende u. Viehhal...