Herstellung und mechanische Eigenschaften silizidhaltiger TiAl-Werkstoffe mit Korngroessen im Submikronbereich
The radiation embrittlement of the reactor pressure vessel is highly safety-relevant for VVER-type pressure vessels. The sensitivity against radiation embrittlement depends on the chemical composition of the pressure vessel steel. Using an irradiation experiment at surveillance positions in two Russian VVER 440-type reactors the effects of copper, ...
The following topics were dealt with: ionimplanted SiO_2 layers, thermal annealing, photoluminescence measurements, electroluminescence spectra, Heavy-atom-effect. / 190 refs. / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1847(279) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / DE / Germany
The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive insight into the mechanical properties of nano- and submicron-grained intermetallics, containing ceramic particles as a second phase. The investigations are focussed on #gamma#-TiAl-based alloys with a fine dispersion of titanium silicides. The samples are prepared by high energy milling and...
In the present thesis fundamental properties of the In_xGa_1_-_xN molecular-beam epitaxy and the samples fabricated by this were studied. Both Si-doped and undoped In_xGa_1_-_xN layers with a content x_I_nhttp://bibd.uni-giessen.de/gdoc/2000/uni/d000048/d000048.tar.gz / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliot...
The effect on solidification microstructure of Al-3wt%Fe produced by addition of either 1.0wt% or 0.1wt% Cu, Mg, Si or 0.01 to 0.1wt% V has been determined by means of wedge chill casting, direct chill simulation casting and Bridgman growth over the range of solidification front velocity between 0.033 to 1.03mm/s during steady state growth with an ...
United Kingdom
The main aim of this study was to understand the microstructure of GaN and InGaN/GaN and to examine electric fields around the defects, and across the quantum wells by electron holography. For this reason different types of GaN and InGaN/GaN samples have been prepared and studied. Conventional transmission electron microscopy has been used for stru...