Lalljie, Sam P. D. Vindevogel, Johan Murugan, Gopal Dumont, Henri Sandra, Patrick
We identified and quantified the major inorganic ions present in a haemolymph of four species of fairy shrimp, to determine its ionic strength, using capillary electrophoresis, non-destructive micro-technique for the analysis of small amounts of body fluids. This is the first speciation and quantitative analysis of inorganic ions in the haemolymph ...
Dermaux, Anna Lynen, Frederic Sandra, Patrick
Zhang, TX Liu, HZ Chen, JY
Affinity Cibacron Blue 3GA (CB) dye in aqueous phase was directly transferred to the reversed micelles due to electrostatic interaction between anionic CB and cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The bovine serum albumin (BSA) transfer to the reverse micelles increases significantly in a wide range of pH by the addition of a small amount...
Makamba, H Kim, JH Lim, K Park, N Hahn, JH
This review looks at the efforts that are being made to modify the surface of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microchannels, in order to enhance applicability in the field of microfluidics. Many surface modifications of PDMS have been performed for electrophoretic separations, but new modifications are being done for emerging applications such as het...
Hong, J Yoon, DS Park, M Choi, J Kim, TS Im, G Kim, S Pak, YE No, K
Glass-based microchannel chips were fabricated using photolithographic technology, and Pt thin-film microelectrodes as dielectric biosensors were integrated on them. From capacitance-frequency measurements at various interelectrode distances and ionic concentrations, a significant difference between deionized (DI) water and tris-ethylenediaminetetr...
Liu, XQ Guan, YP Yang, Y Ma, ZY Wu, XB Liu, HZ
A novel and effective protocol for the preparation of superparamagnetic immunomicrospheres has been developed. First, micro-size magnetic poly (methacrylate-divinylbenzene) (PMA-DVB) spheres were prepared by a modified suspension polymerization method. The oleic acid coated magnetite (Fe3O4,) nanoparticles made by coprecipitation were mixed with mo...
Hong, J Yoon, DS Kim, SK Kim, TS Kim, S Pak, EY No, Kwangsoo
We would like to thank Dr. Yoon Kyung Cho, Dr. Kwang Wook Oh and Youngsun Lee at the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) for fruitful discussions during sample preparation and capacitance measurements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education ("Brain Korea 21") and the Ministry of Science and Technology ("21C Frontier R&D Pr...
Hong, J Yoon, DS Kim, SK Kim, TS Kim, S Pak, EY No, Kwangsoo
We would like to thank Dr. Yoon Kyung Cho, Dr. Kwang Wook Oh and Youngsun Lee at the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) for fruitful discussions during sample preparation and capacitance measurements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education ("Brain Korea 21") and the Ministry of Science and Technology ("21C Frontier R&D Pr...
No, Kwangsoo Kim, S Yoon, DS Pak, EY Hong, J Kim, SK Kim, TS
We would like to thank Dr. Yoon Kyung Cho, Dr. Kwang Wook Oh and Youngsun Lee at the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) for fruitful discussions during sample preparation and capacitance measurements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education ("Brain Korea 21") and the Ministry of Science and Technology ("21C Frontier R&D Pr...
Ro, KW Lim, K Shim, BC Hahn, JH
We have developed an integrated light collimating system with a microlens and a pair of slits for extended optical path length absorbance detection in a capillary electrophoresis (CE) microchip. The collimating system is made of the same material as the chip, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), and it is integrated into the chip during the molding of th...