Jaroslawski, Thomas Forte, Maxime Moschetta, Jean-Marc Gowree, Erwin Ricky
Two separate experiments are conducted on a three bladed NACA0012 rotor operating at low Reynolds numbers using phase-locked infrared thermography coupled with simultaneous force and torque measurements. The first, focuses on the effects of freestream turbulence on boundary layer transition over the suction side of the aerofoil of the rotor in an a...
Barcia Medranda, Mishel Beatriz Llosas Albuerne, Yolanda Eugenia
This article presents various motor information options that apply to the operation of single-phase and three-phase semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors. It gives us feedback with fundamental bases of information asserted from theses and books by authors specialized in the subject. It is a guide where they will find that it is a refrigeration sy...
Kampker, Achim Heimes, Heiner Hans Dorn, Benjamin Norbert Brans, Florian Nankemann, Michael
Pääjärvi, Simon
By using the rotor dynamic capabilities of Simcenter Nastran Rotordynamics, an eigenvalue analysis of 3D-finite element models of the Jeffcott rotor and the overhung rotor were conducted and compared to the results with beam-based, lumped parameter models. The first two critical speeds of the Jeffcott rotor were estimated with variations of 3.9 and...
Jaroslawski, Thomas Forte, Maxime Moschetta, Jean-Marc Delattre, Gregory Gowree, Erwin Ricky
An experimental investigation on the flow topology over a rotor operating atlow Reynolds numbers is presented. The feasibility of laminar to turbulenttransition experiments over small rotors is demonstrated. Phase-locked infraredthermography coupled with simultaneous force and torque measurements wereused to study a three bladed rotor with a NACA00...
Filho, Zoroastro Fernandes Miranda, Ubatan Almeida Santos, Alex Álisson Bandeira
Published in
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Modeling techniques applied to mechanical vibration damping problems in systems made of viscoelastic materials contribute to the development of compact and efficient industrial devices. To reduce the weight of rotors, polymeric materials and light metal alloys can be included in their manufacturing. The objectives of this study are to present analy...
Navarro Navarro, Ángela
[ES] El presente trabajo pretende comprobar la validez de la técnica de diagnóstico del flujo de dispersión en lo que respecta a la detección de fallos en motores eléctricos de inducción arrancados mediante arrancadores estáticos. La técnica de análisis del flujo de dispersión es conocida desde hace años, aunque el uso de la técnica ha aumentado si...
Pérez Rodenas, Víctor
[ES] En el trabajo se lleva a cabo el desarrollo, análisis y comprobación de la digitalización del escalonamiento de un compresor axial transónico de baja relación de aspecto y alta relación de compresión. Se trata de la etapa 37 diseñada y ensayada por la NASA. A pesar de que se emplea como referencia en numerosos trabajos, no existe una geometría...
Castro-Coronado, Habib Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. Quijano-Lopez, Alfredo Llovera Segovia, Pedro Fuster Roig, Vicente Luis Serrano Iribarnegaray, Luís Dunai, Larisa
(c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted com...
Gómez-Fabra Frasquet, Santiago
[ES] Se pretende comparar y analizar diferentes modelos acústicos aplicados sobre la hélice de un UAV mediante el uso del software ANSYS, como los de Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings o el método directo. Estos modelos serán a su vez comparados con los resultados del nivel de presión sonora obtenidos experimentalmente en el túnel de viento a diferentes regí...