Radioactive waste products 2002 (RADWAP 2002) Proceedings
The 4"t"h International Seminar on Radioactive Waste Products was organised by the Forschungszentrum Juelich in co-operation with the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz and the European Commission. On behalf of the Bundesamt, I would like to welcome all participants of this scientific-technical meeting. I very much appreciate the participation not only ...
This report contains the independent view of experts from SKB (Sweden), DBE TECHNOLOGY (Germany) and Institute for Energy Technology (Norway) and is the result of a project performed under a contract funded by the Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swedish International Projects, the Project Unit for radioactive waste disposal of the Germ...
The present project is one in a series of research activities supported by the European Commission on the role of humic substances for the long-term safety of nuclear waste disposal. These activities started in the mid eighties within the MIRAGE project (MIgration of RAdionuclides in the GEosphere) with the most recent project being ''Effects of hu...
Im Auftrag des Bundesministers fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) untersucht und bewertet die GRS Koeln das methodische Vorgehen in den einzelnen Sicherheitsstudien zur Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfaelle in geologischen Formationen verschiedener Laender im Hinblick auf die Weiterentwicklung der deutschen Vorgehensweise zum Nachweis...