VU, Tuan-Hung BOONAERT, Jacques AMBELLOUIS, Sebastien TALEB-AHMED, Abdelmalik
Object tracking is an important proxy task towards action recognition. The recent successful CNN models for detection and segmentation, such as Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN lead to an effective approach for tracking problem: tracking-by-detection. This very fast type of tracker takes into account only the Intersection-Over-Union (IOU) between boundi...
DUFOUR, Rémi MEURIE, Cyril STRAUSS, Clément LEZORAY, Olivier
In this paper we propose a data augmentation method for instance segmentation in fisheye images. A lot of progress has been made on the task of instance segmentation in the last few years, particularly for rectilinear images. In fisheye images, detection tasks have mostly been explored as a semantic segmentation task. Instance segmentation in fishe...
A chiral metamaterial (MTM) is analyzed using two modal analysis methods: characteristic mode analysis (CMA) and Eigenmode expansion method (EEM). Chiral MTMs are commonly associated to antennas and other microwave devices due to their ability to interact with electromagnetic waves and alter their polarizations. Here, the interaction of a chiral he...
BOKER, Clarissa NIEMEIJER, Joshua WOJKE, Nicolai Meurie, Cyril Cocheril, Yann
ITSC 2019, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Auckland, NOUVELLE-ZELANDE, 27-/10/2019 - 30/10/2019
LAFFITTE, Pierre WANG, Yun SODOYER, David GIRIN, Laurent
Au jour où les systèmes de transport intelligents devenant de plus en plus répandus, l'intérêt des systèmes de surveillance automatique augmente. Bien que ces systèmes reposent principalement sur les signaux vidéo, d'autres types de signaux peuvent également être utilisés pour surveiller la sécurité des passagers. Le présent article propose un syst...
BOKER, Clarissa NIEMEIJER, Joshua WOJKE, Nicolai MEURIE, Cyril COCHERIL, Yann
The ERSAT GGC project introduces the concept of virtual balises for train localization, which avoids investment and maintenance costs of physical balises. Since this concept relies on the matching of train positions to balise positions stored in a database, it is dependent on placing virtual balises in track areas with unimpeded GNSS reception. One...
LAFFITTE, Pierre Wang, Yun Sodoyer, David Girin, Laurent
As intelligent transportation systems are becoming more and more prevalent, the relevance of automatic surveillance systems grows larger. While such systems rely heavily on video signals, other types of signals can be used as well to monitor the security of passengers. The present article proposes an audio-based intelligent system for surveillance ...
Moualla, A. Boucenna, S. Karaouzene, A. Vidal, Denis Gaussier, P.
In this work, we study how learning in a special environment such as a museum can influence the behavior of robots. More specifically, we show that online learning based on interaction with people at a museum leads the robots to develop individual preferences. We first developed a humanoid robot (Berenson) that has the ability to head toward its pr...
Boulch, Alexandre
Deep Residual Networks have reached the state of the art in many image processing tasks such image classification. However, the cost for a gain in accuracy in terms of depth and memory is prohibitive as it requires a higher number of residual blocks, up to double the initial value. To tackle this problem, we propose in this paper a way to reduce th...
El Yacoubi, S. Fargette, Mireille Faye, A. De Carvalho, W. Jr Libourel, T. Loireau, Maud
Soil erosion processes which contribute to desertification and land degradation, constitute major environmental and social issues for the coming decades. This is particularly true in arid areas where rural populations mostly depend on soil ability to support crop production. Assessment of soil erosion across large and quite diverse areas is very di...