Dufraisse, Marius Trouvé-Peloux, Pauline Volatier, Jean-Baptiste Champagnat, Frédéric
Co-design methods generally model the influence of the optical parameters only on the point spread function of the system without considering changes in light intensity that modify the signal to noise ratio of the digitized image. We include multiple noise sources in a model of imaging sensors intended for the co-design of an optical system and a n...
Bourdon, P. Hulard, N. Gustave, F. Liméry, A. Goular, D. Planchat, C. Lombard, L.
Coherent beam combining (CBC) by active phase control is an efficient way to power scale fiber amplifiers but its bandwidth of operation of CBC can be limited. Deep-learning techniques offer some capability for fast retrieval of the laser phases from the shape of the interference pattern generated through combining, in order to increase the speed a...
Marteau, Tony Sodoyer, David Ambellouis, Sebastien Afanou, Sitou
EUSIPCO 2022, 30th European Signal Processing Conference, Belgrade , SERBIE, 29-/08/2022 - 02/09/2022
Laurendin, Olivier Ambellouis, Sébastien Fleury, Anthony Mahtani, Ankur Chafik, Sanaa Strauss, Clément
AVSS 2021, 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Washigton, D.C., ETATS-UNIS, 16-/11/2021 - 19/11/2021
Manzini, Nicolas Mar, Ndeye Schmidt, Franziska Bercher, Jean-François Orcesi, André Marchand, Pierre Gazeaux, Julien Thom, Christian
Eurostruct 2021, Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, Padoue, ITALIE, 29-/08/2021 - 01/09/2021
DUFOUR, Rémi Meurie, Cyril Strauss, Clément LEZORAY, Olivier
IPTA 2020, International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Paris, FRANCE, 09-/11/2020 - 12/11/2020
MARTEAU, Tony AFANOU, Sitou SODOYER, David Ambellouis, Sébastien BOUKOUR, Fouzia
EDCC 2020, European Dependable Computing Conference, Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for RAILwayS (AI4RAILS), Munich, ALLEMAGNE, 07-/09/2020 - 10/09/2020
Friaa, Houda Laroussi Hellara, Myriam Stefanou, Ioannis Sab, Karam Dogui, Abdelwaheb
A masonry wall is a composite structure characterized by a large variety in geometrical and material parameters. The determination of the effective macroscopic properties, through the homogenization scheme, depends on a great number of variables. Thus, in order to replace heavy numerical simulation, in this paper, the use of artificial neural netwo...
Vu, Tuan-Hung Boonaert, Jacques AMBELLOUIS, Sebastien TALEB-AHMED, Abdelmalik
ACIVS 2020, 20th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Auckland, NOUVELLE-ZELANDE, 10-/02/2020 - 14/02/2020
Ensuring passengers' safety is one of the daily concerns of railway operators. To do this, various image and sound processing techniques have been proposed in the scientific community. Since the beginning of the 2010s, the development of deep learning made it possible to develop these research areas in the railway field included. Thus, this article...