Nowadays the method of Geometric Theory of Diffraction (GTD)is extensively used to calculate the diffracted field of a curved edge, mainly because it requires less computer time when compared to other methods (Physical Optics, as an example). However, it is inherent to the GTD that the calculated field diverges for observation points near the caust...
This study describes an experimental test on two bare Oxisol plots, located in Central Brazil, with the objective of observing their spectral behaviour under varying surface moisture and roughness conditions, and the effects of view angles in relation to the sun. Reflectance factor determinations were made at azimuthal angles of 0 degree and 90 deg...
A new approach to relationships between soil color and soil spectral properties is studied using colorimetric concepts. Spectral reflectance of 84 highly varied soil samples was determined in the laboratory with a spectrophotometer. Colors were also visually estimated using Munsell soil color charts. The comparison between chromaticity coordinates ...
La couleur est une donnée de sol très utilisée, aussi bien dans les travaux de terrain que dans les systèmes de classifications. Son étude se développe actuellement en relation avec les propriétés spectrales des sols et de leurs constituants, observées au laboratoire ou par télédétection. Dans cet article, des éléments de colorimétrie sont rappelés...