Ершова, А. С. Савиновских, А. В. Артемов, А. В. Бурындин, В. Г.
The possibility of obtaining plastic without adding a binder on the basis of wood waste (sawdust) and plant waste (fallen leaves of the forest park zones) by fl at hot pressing in closed molds, was investigated. Previously, the content of lignin, cellulose and ash in the initial press material was studied. The high content of lignin in fallen leave...
Моисеева, Л. Р. Сиваков, В. П.
Рассмотрено разнообразие вариантов упаковки для молочно-кислой продукции. Выявлены и исследованы варианты, отвечающие санитарно-гигиеническим и экологическим нормам. С учетом наложенных ограничений, связанных с утилизацией материалов, выбраны наиболее перспективные варианты тары для молочно-кислой продукции. / Considered a variety of packaging opti...
BLANC, Juliette Chailleux, Emmanuel Hornych, Pierre Williams, Christopher LE PRESTI, Davide DEL BARCO CARRION, Ana Jimenez POROT, Laurent PLANCHE, Jean-Pascal POUGET, Simon
Anakhov, S. V. Matushkin, A. V. Dorozhkin, E. M. Lyzhin, A. I. Pyckin, Y. A.
The processes of high temperature material heating for plasma recycling are investigated. The gas-dynamic parameters of the air-plasma flow in the plasma torch mixing chamber for ecology technologies are determined by methods of mathematical modeling. The characteristic temperatures, velocities and heating times of the utilized gas in different are...
Панькова, Е. И. Слюсарь, Н. Н.
Представлены результаты внедрения экологической программы «Зеленый Политех», реализуемой активистами Пермского национального исследовательского поли технического университета (ПНИПУ). Проанализированы данные о сборе макулатуры в рамках акций эко-программы по раздельному сбору отходов (РСО) ПНИПУ, определены преимущества и недостатки реализации. / T...
Липунов, И. Н. Первова, И. Г.
The conceptual scheme of structural system for intra- and inter-branch production recycling was developed. This scheme was tested while creating of recycling technological module for specific type of industrial waste. / Разработана концептуальная схема структурной системы продукционного рециклинга внутри- и межотраслевого характера, которая прошла ...
Круглов, Д. А. Артемов, А. В. Савиновских, А. В. Бурындин, В. Г.
In the pulp and paper complex as a type of waste after hydrolysis of wood remains unclaimed technical lignin. The increase in this waste is about 400 thousand tons per year. This waste does not find the full and rational use. Today it is an environmental problem, as such dumps of lignin are powerful sources of pollution (water, air, soil, human bod...
Чернышев, Л. А. Старцева, Т. А. Михайленко, Д. Ю.
A current problem of the environmental safety of the waste used motor oils and the existing possibilities of their further use and disposal are discussed. The modern solution to this environmental problem is suggested. / Рассматриваются актуальная проблема экологической безопасности отходов отработанных моторных масел, а также существующие возможно...
Part, Florian Berge, Nicole Baran, Paweł Stringfellow, Anne Sun, Wenjie Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon Mitrano, Denise Li, Liang Hennebert, Pierre Quicker, Peter
Published in
Waste management (New York, N.Y.)
Significant knowledge and data gaps associated with the fate of product-embedded engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in waste management processes exist that limit our current ability to develop appropriate end-of-life management strategies. This review paper was developed as part of the activities of the IWWG ENMs in Waste Task Group. The specific obj...
Marsac, Paul van den Bergh, Wim Pierard, Nathalie Grenfell, James Gabet, Thomas Mouillet, Virginie Porot, Laurent Perez Martinez, Miguel Farcas, Fabienne
Recycling of old pavements is becoming a widespread technique; in order to preserve the natural resources of aggregates and binder, the materials reclaimed from the damaged layers of the pavements maintained are generally reincorporated in the material for new maintenance layers. However, recycling induces some technical challenges. In the case of ...