Ferrer Peraire, Estela
[ES] En este proyecto llamado ¿El papel de las mujeres en el mundo rural¿ se presenta una producción de obras de carácter interdisciplinar que pretenden dar reconocimiento y valor al trabajo no remunerado de las mujeres en la España vaciada. Está constituido por dos piezas escultóricas, realizadas mediante las técnicas de fundición a la cera perdid...
hoffmann, carlos
This paper presents a physical characterization for the recycling into new concretes of three comminuted concretes: C16/20 (“ordinary concrete”), C50/60 (“high strength concrete”), and C70/85 (“very high strength concrete”). The top size of the crushed concretes was 19.1 mm and the size range was 4.75 to 19.1 mm. The characterization was carried ou...
Anakhov, S. V. Matushkin, A. V. Pyckin, Y. A.
The plasma neutralization technology for the products of thermal waste processing—supertoxicants (polychlorinated dibenzodioxines, dibenzofurans, biphenyls, etc.)—is investigated. The problem of supertoxicants formation in the process of thermal processing for household and industrial waste of different composition is identified. To solve this prob...
Marsac, Paul Bocci, Edoardo Cardone, Fabrizio Cannone Falchetto, Augusto Carbonneau, Xavier Zaumanis, Martins Carter, Alan Rubio-Gamez, Ma Carmen del Sol Sanchez, Miguel Dave, Eshan
ISBM 2020, RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials , Lyon, FRANCE, 14-/12/2020 - 16/12/2020
Чернышев, Д. О.
The paper touches upon the problem of engineers training at USFEU transport Institute, using modern teaching methods to improve the environmental culture and environmental protection. / Рассмотрен вопрос подготовки инженерных кадров в Автомобильно-транспортном институте УГЛТУ с использованием современных методов обучения для повышения экологической...
Matushkin, A. V. Anakhov, S. V. Pyckin, Y. A.
The processes of high temperature material heating for plasma recycling are investigated. The gas-dynamic parameters of the air-plasma flow in the plasma torch mixing chamber for ecology technologies are determined by methods of mathematical modeling. The characteristic temperatures, velocities and heating times of the utilized gas in different are...
Fernández Serrano, Alicia
[ES] La línea de costa de la ciudad de Valencia se ha visto mermada con el paso de los años. Distintos intereses políticos y económicos han hecho que la industria y el comercio se hayan apoderado de los espacios costeros. Lo que una vez fue la playa de Nazaret, es hoy una conexión mercantil para un sinfín de vehículos cargados y trabajadores atarea...
Mousavi, Marjan Ventura, Anne Nicolas, Antheaume
Existing territorial life cycle assessments (LCAs) consider all activities in a given geographical area, defined as the foreground system, but cannot lead to operational decisions. In product scale LCA, the foreground system is defined as the part of the system directly controlled by an actor and is thus more adapted to compare possible scenarios w...
Vassaux, S Gaudefroy, Vincent Boulangé, L Pévère, A Michelet, A Barragan-Montero, V Mouillet, V
In the recycling road industry, a fundamental knowledge of blending mechanisms between the aged and virgin binders is necessary. An infrared imaging methodology is customized to assess the blending in different recycled asphalt mixtures. Obtained results are compared to those of another stage extraction technique. Both methods show that RA material...
Vassaux, S Gaudefroy, Vincent Boulangé, L Pévère, A Michelet, A Barragan-Montero, V Mouillet, V
Reclaimed Asphalt (RA) is more and more used in the road recycling industry because it allows reducing the consumption in non-renewable raw materials such as virgin bitumen which comes from the petroleum distillation. As bitumen is oxidation-sensitive, some technical issues are however raised about the mix design and the binder blending between the...