Eklund, Carl M
The ecology of a mosquito borne virus involves a consideration of the growth of the virus within the vertebrate and arthropod hosts, the reaction of these hosts to the presence of the virus, and the vertebrate-arthropod associations which are necessary for the dissemination and maintenance of the virus. Little is known of the physiological properti...
Merritt, Webster Lowenthal, Joseph
This book is a hundredth year anniversary celebration of the Duval County Medical Society and it's place in Jacksonville history. It offers an overview of its founding and the society's participation in the major events Jacksonville experienced such as the 1854 fire, the Yellow Fever epidemic in the 1850's, the Civil War, Small pox epidemic in the ...
Pett, L. B.
Pospelova-Shtrom, M. V. Abusalimov, N. S.
First paragraph: On 18 May 1954, (a specimen of) Burhinus oedicnemus (L.) was killed in the Lenkoransky region of Azerbaijan S.S.R.; on its head a male Amblyomma lepidum Dönitz, 1909, was found. Morphological characters of this tick, size and shape of body, characteristic light and dark ornamentation of dorsal shield, punctation, shape, and two col...
Pett, L. Bradley
Pett, L. Bradley
Gajan, Raymond J.
Some organic phosphorus pesticides have been determined successfully by polarography (1-7). However, in most cases the methods were used to determine the pesticide in commercial formulations. Little has been reported on the polarographic determination of microgram amounts of these pesticides such as those encountered in pesticide residue analysis. ...
service, us public health
Swine brucellosis is caused by Brucella suis, a strain of bacteria which also cau ses human brucellosis, or undulant fever. T his disease is an imp 0 r tan t public health problem which affects thousands of farmers, livestock handlers, meat processors, and butchers .. The U. S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 6.15 percent of the 1.8 millio...
Kabler, Paul W.
Although most of the streams draining inhabited regions are contaminated with human or animal feces, water-borne disease today in the United States is relatively uncommon. Pathogenic enteric microorganisms probably do not multiply in raw water sources under normal conditions. They usually disappear in a relatively short time, with the rates dependi...
Ganelin, Robert S. Mail, G. Allen
There has been much lay and medical concern regarding toxic effects of insecticides on the general population. In addition to direct toxic effects, it is suspected that insecticidal application has deleterious physical effects on persons with respiratory diseases. To evaluate some of these problems, the authors have attempted to quantitate actual a...