Réthoré, Eva
L’après première guerre mondiale sanctionne une crise de la représentation des personnages dans la littérature française. Celle-ci repose sur un malaise épistémologique et philosophique quant au statut et rôle de l’individu. Dans ce cadre, l’œuvre fictionnelle de Victor Serge propose une alternative originale à la question : à la fois témoin et act...
Tognetta, Luciene Regina Paulino Avilés Martínez, José María Knoener, Darlene Ferraz Matos, Ana Luiza Aparecida de Bomfim, Sanderli Aparecida Bicudo
Numerous studies have warned the urgent necessity for educational institutions to organize a systematic, planned and intentional program so that coexistence in school becomes a valuable asset. Furthermore, both studies and legislation on education emphasize the need for schools to carry out specific actions to counter and prevent violence manifesta...
Alvis Barranco, Rosalvina R Alvis Barranco, Cenaida Alvis Barranco, Libia
The objective was to determine the relationship of political leadership and leading participation. Based on Soteldo(2005), Sánchez (2002) and Merino (2009) among others. The study was correlational and field with non-experimental-transactional design. The population of 5507 subjects of Cesar communities. The instrument was validated by 8 experts an...
Delgado del Águila, Jesús Miguel
The configuration of the character Alberto Fernandez (the Poet) of The Time of the Hero (1963) is chameleonic in terms of violence, due to the fact that he assumed that his behavior was sometimes aggressive in order to acquire a certain respect; on the contrary, it will not be a diachronic attitude, the character will tend to want to experience a l...
Liddy, Susan
Published in
Sexuality & Culture
This article is concerned with the construction of the older female protagonist in a number of British, Irish and French films. In order to identify what knowledge is legitimated about aging women, and what is not, a close textual analysis of four films: Night Train (Ireland 1998), Keeping Mum (UK 2005), Une Liason Pornographique (France 1999) and ...
Helperin, Daniel Mysse, Dag Erik Nilsson Sandgren, Peter
Protagonist är ett starkt ord inom filmbranschen. Det är oftast denna karaktär som ställs i rampljuset när en film ska lanseras. Vi har i detta kandidatarbete fokuserat på protagonisten och dennes utveckling beroende på vad som händer honom/henne i filmen. Protagonisternas resor kan vara väldigt lika trots att genren och berättelsen är olika. Därfö...
Van den Hoven, Paul
Published in
An argumentative text can be reconstructed as an argumentative discussion between a protagonist and an antagonist. However, such a text is usually not a literal report of a discussion. It is the author of the text who determines how issues are presented, how claims are modeled, how the development of the discussion is presented. Especially when a t...
Wrangö, Johan
This paper will argue that there are similarities between “The Raven”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “Ligeia” and “Berenice” in their treatment of the common motifs of isolation and melancholy, and, furthermore, that their protagonists are similar due to their relation to these two motifs. The paper will also argue that the usage of the motif o...
Andersson, Tove
Enders, Mark
Australian film has engaged social issues since its earliest days, often within the genre of comedy. Writers and filmmakers have treated a wide range of issues with varying degrees of success in engaging their audience in a level of social discourse. This success has been independent of the specific issue addressed, the government funding policy, c...