Neris, Rodrigo
This work reports a teacher’s research about the aesthetic experience in his professional practice, which presents an approach about experience, education and art education using the pair experience/sense suggested by Jorge Larrosa Bondía. On the investigation route, the teacher has created a research group with some of his High School students fro...
Neris, Rodrigo
This work reports a teacher’s research about the aesthetic experience in his professional practice, which presents an approach about experience, education and art education using the pair experience/sense suggested by Jorge Larrosa Bondía. On the investigation route, the teacher has created a research group with some of his High School students fro...
Gaskin, Richard
Published in
The paper contains a general argument for linguistic idealism, which it approaches by way of some considerations relating to the unity of the proposition and Tractarian metaphysics. Language exhibits a function–argument structure, but does it do so because it is reflecting how things are in the world, or does the relation of dependence run in the o...
Caplan, Ben
Published in
Philosophical Studies
In this paper, I argue that, when it comes to explaining what can be described as “representational” properties of propositions, Soames’s new conception of propositions—on which the proposition that Seattle is sunny is the act of predicating the property being sunny of Seattle and to entertain that proposition is to perform that act—does not have a...
Trygg Monvall, Carin
Författaren uppmärksammande under hösten 2016 att personer med funktionsnedsättningars personliga assistanstimmar minskade helt eller delvis. Studien ämnar därför undersöka hur det har skett en diskursiv förskjutning av begreppet personer med funktionsnedsättningar sedan LSS blev lag tills idag. Detta görs genom en diskursanalys av LSS propositione...
Modicom, Pierre-Yves
Les adverbiaux d'énoncé et d'énonciation occupent une place à part dans les modèles syntaxiques de l'énoncé allemand et représentent un défi pour les interprétations informationnelles ou « logico-sémantiques » (J.-M. ZEMB) de la topologie du « champ intermédiaire » (Mittelfeld, qui correspond à la partie de l'énoncé postérieure à la forme verbale c...
Vernant, Denis
Frege is generally held to be the inventor of modern logic in its syntactic and semantic dimensions. But it is less emphasized its contribution to pragmatics and even to praxeology. It will be argued that, initially negatively, in order to reveal the specificity of the new logic, and then positively to characterize the process of knowledge, Frege w...
Fonbaustier, Laurent Boutonnet, Mathilde Maljean-Dubois, Sandrine Neyret, Laurent Teller, Marina Truilhé-Marengo, Eve
International audience
American state Constitutions provide for direct democracy in which citizens are given the tools to impact their government. The most common way is via the proposition which can change the state law. This paper focuses on two controversial sets of propositions from California in the recent past: medical and recreational marijuana, and same-sex marri...
Auroux, Sylvain
Published in
Histoire Epistémologie Langage
Les paradoxes de la totalité concernent les langues et leurs parties (dialectes; mots; propositions). Nous montrerons que ce que l’on entend par « langue » (comme dans « langue nationale ») est de l’ordre, d’un côté, de l’imaginaire, de l’autre, de la construction sociale et technique.