Prescription quinquennale de l'action en paiement des arriérés de loyers
International audience
International audience
International audience
Conseil d'État, 7 juin 2024, no 472662, Lebon T. ; AJDA 2024. 1190
Background/Objectives: French community pharmacists have been given new missions on vaccination since 2019, with now the ability to administer and prescribe vaccines to people aged 11 and over. The main objective of the study was to assess the perceptions and attitudes of pharmacy students on the new missions of pharmacists in vaccination. Methods:...
[CA] Un problema comú entre moltes persones, especialment en les de tercera edat, és recordar quan els correspon prendre la dosi d’un medicament determinat. És freqüent que s’oblide prendre la dosi indicada i que després la salut del pacient es veja perjudicada d’alguna forma. És per això que este treball està enfocat a oferir un remei mitjançant u...
International audience
Published in Nefrologia
In recent years, the meaning of adequacy in peritoneal dialysis has changed. We have witnessed a transition from an exclusive achievement of specific objectives -namely solute clearances and ultrafiltration- to a more holistic approach more focused to on the quality of life of these patients. The purpose of this document is to provide recommendatio...
Published in Heliyon
Depression is a common psychiatric disorder that belongs to the category of "Depression Syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and its etiology and pathogenesis are complex and unclear. It is characterized by high prevalence, high disability rate, and high recurrence rate, which seriously affect human health, and its treatment has become ...
International audience
International audience