Jugement d'adoption irrégulier : précisions sur le point de départ de l'action en responsabilité contre l'État
International audience
International audience
(Cass., ch. mixte, 19 juill. 2024, no 20-23.527, B+R, et no 22-18.729, B+R, AJDA 2024. 1517 ; D. 2024. 1420 ; RDI 2024. 592, obs. C. Charbonneau et J.-P. Tricoire ; JCP 20245, no 1154, note J.-P. Karila ; RCA 2024. Comm. 211, obs. E. Ménard)
(Civ. 1re, 23 oct. 2024, no 22-20.367, D. 2024. 1864 ; AJ fam. 2024. 617, obs. J. Casey)
(Com. 23 oct. 2024, no 22-22.215, FS-B, D. 2024. 1860 ; Com. 13 juin 2024, no 22-21.573, F-B, D. 2024. 1124 ; ibid. 1793, obs. J.-J. Ansault et C. Gijsbers ; Banque et Dr. 9-10/2024. 18, obs. T. Bonneau ; Com. 9 oct. 2024, no 22-14.743, F-B, D. 2024. 1773) - Observations sous Cour de cassation (com.), 23 octobre 2024, no 22-22.215, Cour de cassatio...
Observations sous Cour de cassation (crim.), 11 juin 2024, no 23-86.920 - Qualification de la décision : importante
Published in Infectious diseases now
Published in Drug and alcohol dependence reports
Awareness of the relationship between real-world buprenorphine prescribing and overdose frequency is limited, especially in the Southeastern United States. We described buprenorphine prescribing rates for patients experiencing nonfatal opioid overdoses in the context of overdose frequency. Electronic medical records review was conducted at an urban...
1. Cour de cassation, 3e civ., 4 juillet 2024, no 23-11.746, inédit,2. Cour de cassation, ch. mixte, 19 juillet 2024, no 20-23.527, publié au Bulletin
Published in Clinical nutrition ESPEN
Dietary supplements (DSs) are commonly used supplements among children to support disease treatment, however, overuse and inappropriate prescription of outpatient DS can negatively affect health and treatment costs. This study aimed to evaluate DS use in outpatient treatment in children. The present study used a cross-sectional descriptive retrospe...
International audience