Quézel-Ambrunaz, Christophe
Ce chapitre a pour but de montrer, à travers l'étude des Nāradasmṛti, la permanence des questions liées au droit des obligations dans le temps et l'espace, et la proximité de certaines solutions avec celles du droit français contemporain, nonobstant la radicale différence entre les cultures ayant produit l'un et l'autre système juridique. Il a enco...
Monteiro, Ercila Pinto
This research encompasses reflections based on Fanon's (1963), Said (1978) and Bhabha (1998) postcolonial studies that help to think about the model of science/chemistry teaching that has been established in Ticuna indigenous schools, raising such questions : What is the current model of teaching chemistry established in indigenous schools? What mo...
Ott, Anne-Cécile
L'analyse des représentations du Monde visibles dans des fictions et jeux pour enfants met en lumière une différenciation et hiérarchisation des espaces et des sociétés. Alors que certains sont présentés à travers une diversité de symboles, ou associés à des éléments culturels et modernes, d'autres sont assignés à la nature et la tradition. Des ent...
Malmgren, Amelie Palharini, Michelle Fabiana
The present thesis compares media representations of Yekîneyên Parastina Jin (YPJ or the Women’s Protection Units), an all-female Kurdish military organisation, in British media versus the organisation’s own media outlets, with the aim to see how they differ, more specifically in terms of representations of their ideological agency. By utilizing cr...
Vandeviver, Nicolas
consolati, isabella
The essays deals with the reading of Marx entailed in Harry Harootunian's book Marx after Marx in relation to the question of how to build a historical understanding of the global present. By assuming as central the Marxian category of formal subsumption, Harootunian illustrates how it is possible to understand capital both as global and as interna...
Sridhar, Aarthi
Published in
Maritime Studies
Disciplinary transgressions are necessary to generate newer understandings. However, such incursions are not always encouraged or acknowledged. As part of the special issue on post-structural perspectives on fisheries, this paper represents an engagement with Actor-Network Theory (ANT) while attempting to study scientific practices on fisheries in ...
Santos, Robson Caetano dos
In this article is analyzed the way that in the Portuguese language’s literary texts “A Menina Vitória”, by Arnaldo Santos, and Infância, by Graciliano Ramos, is made a ideological denunciation about how the Portuguese language can be taught in schools of ex-colonies of Portugal. In both texts and protagonists characters: Gigi and Graciliano (this ...
Marcussen, Eleonor
This article addresses urban reconstruction in Bihar after the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake by arguing that the aftermath became an opportunity for the local government to implement town planning according to ideas of urban improvements guiding sanitation, engineering and control of spaces since the late nineteenth century in colonial India. While e...
Brugioni, Elena
Translation as a conceptual framework for the study of the so-called Postcolonial Literatures represents a complex critical paradigm that opens up a number of theoretical paths with which to read and place literary representations within a global perspective. Regarding what can be defined as African Europhone Literatures (Zabus, 2007), the concept ...