Youk, Sungsu Torchetti, Mia Kim Lantz, Kristina Lenoch, Julianna B. Killian, Mary Lea Leyson, Christina Bevins, Sarah N. Dilione, Krista Ip, Hon S. Stallknecht, David E.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) of the A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 lineage H5 clade continue to have a devastating effect on domestic and wild birds. Full genome sequence analyses using 1369 H5N1 HPAIVs detected in the United States (U.S.) in wild birds, commercial poultry, and backyard flocks from December 2021 to April 20...
Mollhoff, Wayne
For 40 years Wayne Mollhoff conducted a personal bird census every January. He explains: "After having run several Breeding Bird Survey routes, and participated in several Christmas Bird Counts, I became curious to see what might be found on a winter count under the more tightly controlled parameters of a census, as contrasted with Christmas counts...
Nguyen, Ha T. Chesnokov, Anton De La Cruz, Juan Pascua, Philippe Noriel Q. Mishin, Vasiliy P. Jang, Yunho Jones, Joyce Di, Han Ivashchenko, Andrei A. Killian, Mary Lea
Clade highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) viruses that are responsible for devastating outbreaks in birds and mammals pose a potential threat to public health. Here, we evaluated their susceptibility to influenza antivirals. Of 1,015 sequences of HPAI A(H5N1) viruses collected in the United States during 2022, eight viruses (∼...
Huser, Bill
On the morning of October 7, 2023, I observed Nebraska’s second Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) at Crystal Cove Park in South Sioux City, and the bird was subsequently seen by several other observers throughout that afternoon. Photo and video records were obtained ( The summer and fall of 2023 brought fourteen sigh...
Brogie, Mark A.
The functions and methods of the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union Records Committee (NOURC) are described in its bylaws (NOURC 2010). The committee’s purpose is to provide a procedure for documenting unusual bird sightings and to establish a list of all documented birds for Nebraska. Species for which the NOURC seeks documentation (NOURC Review List)...
Silcock, W. Ross
There were no new species for Nebraska. This was also a lean season for records of species with few Nebraska records. Probably most significant were continuing Common Ravens in two Sioux Co locations, and possibly the first summer records of Baird’s Sparrow, a recording of the latter currently under NOURC review. Within-state breeders nesting at ne...
O'Brien, Daniel J. Thacker, Tyler C. Salvador, Liliana C.M. Duffiney, Anthony G. Robbe‑Austerman, Suelee Camacho, Mark S. Lombard, Jason E. Palmer, Mitchell V.
Having entered into its second century, the eradication program for bovine tuberculosis (bTB, caused by Mycobacterium bovis) in the United States of America occupies a position both enviable and daunting. Excepting four counties in Michigan comprising only 6109 km2 (0.06% of US land area) classified as Modified Accredited, as of April 2022 the enti...
Combs, Matthew A. Golnar, Andrew J. Overcash, Justin M. Lloyd, Alun L. Hayes, Keith R. O'Brochta, David A. Pepin, Kim M.
Engineered gene drives create potential for both widespread benefits and irreversible harms to ecosystems. CRISPR-based systems of allelic conversion have rapidly accelerated gene drive research across diverse taxa, putting field trials and their necessary risk assessments on the horizon. Dynamic processbased models provide flexible quantitative pl...
Piecora, Katie
Nebraska’s pronghorn population has been stable over the last decade, yet their presence on the landscape remains a contentious subject amongst private landowners. Conversion of grassland for crop production and increased anthropogenic activity has drastically altered pronghorn behavior throughout their current range, however basic ecology and reso...
Abstract: Wheat blast, caused by Pyricularia oryzae Triticum (PoT), is an emerging threat to global wheat production. Current understanding of the population biology of the pathogen and epidemiology of the disease has been based on phylogenomic studies that compared the wheat blast pathogen with isolates collected from grasses that were invasive to...