Witkowska, Janina
The paper aims to characterize and evaluate the immigration policy of the European Union in the context of the challenges posed by regular and irregular migration processes on a global and regional scale. The EU policy is in line with the United Nations (UN) initiatives aimed at international cooperation in solving migration problems. The provision...
Marszał, Tadeusz Masierek, Edyta
This article concentrates on issues relating to the revitalisation of urban space in the Polish context, with a particular focus on small towns. It discusses the development of small towns after World War II, the changes that took place after Poland’s accession to the European Union, current legal framework, and the directions for revitalisation pl...
Chodakowska, Aneta
The literature on inter‑municipal cooperation (IMC) focusing on the characteristics of its members and factors driving a decision to start cooperating is abundant. Various studies indicate that small municipalities are particularly vulnerable to economies of scale and scope, hence they are more likely to start cooperating than bigger units. On the ...
Glinkowska‑Krauze, Beata Chebotarov, Viacheslav Chebotarov, Iegor
Considering the evolution of the scientific knowledge on the topic the authors define “national business cultures” as a complex interdisciplinary basic phenomenon of modern comparative studies and international entrepreneurship. Using the accepted in the world comparative studies methodology – indicative parameters of national business cultures and...
Dziuba, Radosław Jabłońska, Małgorzata Ławińska, Katarzyna Wysokińska, Zofia
The article aims to review the changes that have taken place in the European and global TCLF (Textiles‑Clothing‑Leather‑Footwear) sector over the last decade from the perspective of new requirements of pursuing a circular and, especially in recent years, a digital economy. The paper describes the changes in the components of this industry (formerly...
Mikita, Małgorzata
The aim of the study is to present the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the debt securities markets in seven selected European countries, i.e. Spain, France, Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The analysis is based on the observation of statistical data on debt securities presented by the Bank for International Settlements. ...
Rapiński, Piotr
Na rozprawę doktorską składa się cykl publikacji. / W ramach swojej pracy naukowej prowadzonej w okresie studiów doktoranckich prowadziłem badania poświęcone działalności lotnictwa polskiego w okresie II Wojny Światowej. Pierwszą pracą poświęconą temu zagadnieniu była opublikowana w 2018 r. monografia lotnictwa Armii „Łódź”, dowodzonego przez płk. ...
Coudroy de Lille, Lydia Więckowski, Marek
La coopération scientifique entre la France et la Pologne dans le domaine de la géographie re-monte au Moyen-Âge. L’article en étudie les modalités et les produits tout d’abord dans la longue durée, jusqu’à la fin du XXe siècle. On montre que les acteurs de ces relations scientifiques sont souvent animés d’intentions politiques ou diplomatique, la ...
Brzezinka, Piotr
The article presents the history of creation and development of hand grenades as infantry weapons. The most interesting designs of Polish grenades from the interwar period and the German occupation are described. Both prototype designs from the time of occupation, which were the basis for mass production and on a nearly industrial scale, as well as...
Liwoch, Radosław
Among the old collection of the Archaeological Museum in Cracow, under the inventory numbers MAK/3478, 3664, 4255, there lie the furnishings from the graves in Siemienice. The miniature bronze axe belongs to the type II acc. to N.A. Makarov. It’s a devotional artifact – Christian amulet associated with the cult of the Norwegian King St. Olaf (Olaf ...