Publication search
with Piezoelectricité as keyword
MORARU, George RABATE, Patrice VERON, Philippe
The invention relates to a drilling head with an axial oscillation generator, based on the use of piezoelectric ceramic actuators. / The invention relates to a drilling head with an axial oscillation generator, based on the use of piezoelectric ceramic actuators. / Projet AVIBUS (FUI 8, 2009-2013)
Rosi, Giuseppe
This thesis studies the reduction of radiated and transmitted sound power by means of piezoelectric passive networks. A detailed analysis of the radiation and transmission properties of thin plates is presented, and this concept are used for the optimization of the smart structures. Two main control strategies are considered: localized and distribu...
MORARU, George Veron, Philippe RABATE, Patrice
The invention relates to a drilling head with an axial oscillation generator, based on the use of piezoelectric ceramic actuators.
clavier, damien
Dans le domaine des cristaux piézoélectriques, le quartz est l'un des plus employés dans l'industrie électroniques pour des applications comme oscillateurs ou dans le domaine temps-fréquence. Le quartz-alpha SiO2 montre une décroissance de ses propriétés au-delà de 250°C, une transition de phase alpha-beta à 573°C et un faible coefficient de coupla...
Rendon hernandez, Adrian Abdala
Thermal energy harvesting can be realized by numerous techniques of energy transduction. Direct conversions of thermal to electrical energy are typically the most popular technologies used. When miniaturized generators are required, direct conversion methods present difficulties, including the need of bulky heat sinks or the strong dependence to ra...