These findings suggest a potential cognitive mechanism which may account for differences in alcohol use and sexual activity between athletes and non-athletes during late adolescence.
The Internet has the potential to generate international market expansion and future international growth for the firm. However, internationalisation is a complex high-risk decision for the firm, especially for the resource scarce SME. The Internet can assist to reduce the perceived risk associated with strategic decisions in the internationalisati...
[[abstract]]心理學家Maslow在其需求理論中提及,人們於滿足生理及安全的基本需求後,便會開始追求較高層次的需求,其中包含了「美的需求」。「女為悅己者容」已不再是女性的專利,因此連男士們也紛紛加入美容的行列,致美容產業已逐漸成為一個新興產業中主流趨勢。在顧客為導向的時代裡,開發新顧客所花的成本是維繫舊顧客的五倍,因為要使顧客轉換品牌或廠商是件高成本、高代價的事(Lane and Lindquist 1988)。基於上述理由,醫療院所為了維持舊有的顧客,使顧客滿足,就必須先了解民眾在就醫時所重視的因素為何,才能擬訂合適的改善策略,提升整體的服務品質 唯有透過服務品質的提昇,才能吸引廣大的患者群,也才能滿足美容患者的再回診意願。本研究探討「知覺價格」、「知覺品質」、「知覺犧牲」、「知...
[[abstract]]Internet banking has become an important alternative channel in the competitive financial market. Providing good service quality becomes essential for building long term relationship with profitable customers. This study aims to investigate the antecedent and consequence of relationship quality with the Internet banking services. In par...