Webb, Elizabeth Compton
The current research investigates consumer risk-taking in a dynamic setting--looking at choices made in a temporal sequence and for risks that cover several domains (financial, ethical, health/safety, social and recreational). Chapter 1 focuses on how risk-taking in this setting can lead to the use of categorization rules to determine behavior. The...
Webb, Elizabeth Compton
The current research investigates consumer risk-taking in a dynamic setting--looking at choices made in a temporal sequence and for risks that cover several domains (financial, ethical, health/safety, social and recreational). Chapter 1 focuses on how risk-taking in this setting can lead to the use of categorization rules to determine behavior. The...
Webb, Elizabeth Compton
The current research investigates consumer risk-taking in a dynamic setting--looking at choices made in a temporal sequence and for risks that cover several domains (financial, ethical, health/safety, social and recreational). Chapter 1 focuses on how risk-taking in this setting can lead to the use of categorization rules to determine behavior. The...
Webb, Elizabeth Compton
The current research investigates consumer risk-taking in a dynamic setting--looking at choices made in a temporal sequence and for risks that cover several domains (financial, ethical, health/safety, social and recreational). Chapter 1 focuses on how risk-taking in this setting can lead to the use of categorization rules to determine behavior. The...
Webb, Elizabeth Compton
The current research investigates consumer risk-taking in a dynamic setting--looking at choices made in a temporal sequence and for risks that cover several domains (financial, ethical, health/safety, social and recreational). Chapter 1 focuses on how risk-taking in this setting can lead to the use of categorization rules to determine behavior. The...
Montero Simó, María José Rivera Torres, Pilar Araque Padilla, Rafael Ángel
El presente trabajo analiza de qué modo los componentes del modelo de Demandas-Control-Apoyo-JDC(-S) influyen en el riesgo percibido de enfermedad o accidente en el lugar de trabajo y, en concreto, el papel del Control y del Apoyo como variables moduladoras entre las Demandas y el Riesgo percibido. Para ello se ha analizado la estructura dimensiona...
Orom, Heather Kiviniemi, Marc T Underwood, Willie 3rd Ross, Levi Shavers, Vickie L
Published in
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology
We explored racial/ethnic differences in perceived cancer risk and determinants of these differences in a nationally representative sample of whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. Multiple regression techniques, including mediational analyses, were used to identify determinants and quantify racial/ethnic differences in the perception of the risk o...
shu-fen, chen
[[abstract]]本研究整合信任( Trust)、知覺風險(Perceived Risk)與交易成本(Transaction Cost) 理論建構出一個研究模型,用以研究影響消費者參與網路團體購物的意圖與行為 之因素。本研究採用問卷調查法,以知名團購社群「愛合購 ihergo」的成員為研 究對象蒐集資料,回收有效問卷共284份,並以結構方程模式(Structure Equation Model SEM) 進行資料分析。本研究共提出六個假說,其中有五個假說成立,一個 假說不成立。本研究結果顯示,信任會影響知覺風險與交易成本且均有顯著的正 向影響。最後,研究亦證實可以採用信任與交易成本來解釋消費者參與網路團體 購物的意圖與行為。 關 / [[abstract]]This study int...
Lawsin, Catalina Duhamel, Katherine Itzkowitz, Steven Brown, Karen Lim, Helen Jandorf, Lina
Published in
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology
This study examined psychosocial factors influencing colorectal cancer (CRC) patients' communication with their first-degree relatives regarding their CRC risk. Among a sample of CRC patients who were members of a colon registry in New York (n = 127), 60% reported discussing CRC risk with their siblings. These discussions were related to the CRC pa...
li-yu, liu
[[abstract]]隨著全球運動風氣的提升,開放合法運動彩券銷售的國家亦日趨增多。根據各發行機關統計,截至2000年全球運動彩券市場規模僅50億美元,但2006年已成長至151 4億美元。整體而言,全球運動彩券市場平均年度複合成長率達13%,高於全體彩券市場平均年度複合成長率9%的水準。 國外運動彩券的發展早已行之有年,而台灣的運動彩券亦在國外運彩問世70多年後於日前初試啼聲,而網路、電話等虛擬通路的投注預計將在今年中正式上路。運動彩券線上投注不容分秒差池,需要有縝密而完善的網路規劃和備援方案以確保網路系統的穩定性。 有別於彩券消費者以往慣有的實體通路投注經驗,未來運動彩券虛擬通路正式啟動,潛在的運彩客群在由實體通路轉換為虛擬通路的投注過程中是否會受到其它因素的影響,本研究擬針對此一新型...