Rojas Chadid, José Enrique
The absence of a vision ecosophy and / or a manly minded entrepreneurs in the Colombian Caribbean has meant the consolidation of the paradigm of �Every Man for Himself� aims to identify the characteristics and perspectives of leadership in business androcratic Colombian Caribbean in times of globalization . Complexity is visible from under a concep...
Flores-González, Luis Manuel
The natural tendency to identify complexity with intricate and confusing issues is also a natural way to simplify the complex network of knowledge and the phenomenon of knowledge. This article presents guidelines and starting points of complex thought in the light of the paradigm of complexity suggested by E. Morin. This paradigm is not only a reac...
Muñoz Montaño, Jorge Luis Muñoz Montaño, Juan Carlos
Cuando se introduce hoy día una reflexión juiciosa sobre el problema educativo nacional, saltan a la vista múltiples elementos que reflejan la perplejidad histórica de la problemática, pero también la falta de “tac-to” para contextualizar una educación propia para los colombianos. Esto no niega que se hayan hecho esfuerzos -incluso de buena volunta...
Weber, Wilson Fernandes Pólo, Edison
Strategic management is a demanding task concerning flexibility, multi-skills and perception of the environmental changes. While searching for better ways and practices, managers often face challenging situations that cannot be easily and entirely perceived and understood. They deal with facts, rumors, unpredictable situations and, many times, with...
Betancourt Moreno, Santiago
The “poiesis” is the creation of new things, new realities and new ways to understand the reality. The “Complex knowledge (or thinking)”, must be understood as a knowledge able to try make conversation, to negotiate with what is real; must involve, necessarily, “the metaphor” as a possibility of creation and re-creation fo the world, looking for un...
Vera-Colina, Mary A.
Most of the research about the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been studied from different approaches, giving isolated explanations to their possible causes, and ignoring the relationship between all the issues that are involve in this sector and its context. This document propose the study of these businesses using the complex though...
Aristizábal García, José
El artículo plantea la necesidad de superar la visión simplificadora del desorden como un elemento netamente destructor, y asumir otra que lo perciba como factor creador de nuevos ordenes, esencial para la evolución. Se parte de la relación entre el orden y el desorden para evitar juicios ligeros acerca de su naturaleza, y luego se asemejan las car...