Jeldes Cruzat, Alejandro
Complex thinking is presented as a new paradigm from which to observe reality and produce new knowledge without the excessive specialization that science installed in modernity. This is associated with a new way of thinking and reasoning about the phenomena that we observe in reality, that is, a new rationality. This article aims to show the need f...
Guérios, Ettiène
I present assumptions that support a complex perspective of training teachers who teach mathematics. The complexity is a part of contemporary studies on cognition and human development. It reaches resonance in the scientific community, engaged with inter and transdisciplinary discussions, in the different formative spheres. This article seeks to di...
Servín Hernández, David
Resumen. Ante la crisis de la pandemia de COVID-19, la educación médica debe transformarse, a fin de que contribuya a edificar una práctica clínica innovadora y factible. En el camino por recorrer, es esencial el desarrollo de los principios del pensamiento complejo, que inducen a: mirar las interacciones de los elementos que subyacen a la emergenc...
Gélizé, Maïalen
Le projet est le principal moyen des organisations pour relever les défis d’un environnement évolutif et sous contraintes. Or, malgré le développement de méthodes et d’outils, un taux anormalement élevé d’échec des projets persiste. Les constats de cet échec mettent en évidence des déficits liés à l’approche classique de projet et aux aspects relat...
Varona Domínguez, Freddy
This theoretical study is deployed in two areas. One of them is that of the ideas of a leadingfigure of thought complex, Edgar Morin, from whom he reveals some of his considerationsregarding integration, which are mostly implicit in his meditations. The other area is the universityformation. Whit regard to it reflects on complex thinking and the el...
Varas González, René Antonio Betancourt Sáez, Marcela Rodríguez Mancilla, Héctor Marcelo
This article aims to analyze the secondary student movement in Chile from a transdisciplinaryapproach, as a complex phenomenon insufficiently investigated and reflected on by the social sciencesand humanities. The general problem in which this objective is inscribed is that of the crisis in theinstitutions of liberal democracy, and more specificall...
Rzondzinski, Daniel
Abstract: This article describes how to teach and how to learn about the nature of the therapeutic relationship. This concept is the main content of the Pre-Practicum course which is a cumpulsory prerequisite for students before they begin their practicum as psychotherapists in the Master in Spirtuality and Psychotherapy degree program of Wilfrid L...
Viramontes Anaya, Efrén Morales Sifuentes, Lylia Ana Burrola Márquez, Luis Manuel
El curso propuesto como proyecto de intervención, “Lenguaje y comunicación”, es tomado en su versión original de la Secretaría de Educación Pública. Solo para efectos de identificación de avance de aprendizajes, la intervención se divide en tres subproyectos:contenido lingüístico, procesos sociocognitivos y didáctica. La innovación de la propuesta ...
Corredor Gómez, Nora Astrid
Educational policies contribute to the improvement of the qua- lity of education when considering the multidimensional approach. The present article exposes from the perspective of complex thin- king, multiple factors that affect the quality of middle education. The relationships between the quality of the middle education, measured through the res...
Fernández, Alba Rosa
In the present essay it is tried to relate the Nursing like discipline with the complex thought from the conferences offered by two experts in this construct. / En el presente ensayo se pretende relacionar la Enfermería como disciplina con el pensamiento complejo a partir de las conferencias ofrecidas por dos expertos en este constructo.