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BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
Published in Paediatrics & child health
A palliative home care program for children was reviewed To obtain a better understanding of the complications found in the home, and to ascertain the extent of the nursing support needed. The study was descriptive and retrospective. Data were abstracted from both medical and home care charts. The palliative home care program for children is based ...
Published in Supportive Care in Cancer
While India has a long tradition of home-based spiritual and religious care of the dying, there has been no contemporary palliative care until relatively recently. The existing and planned palliative care services in India are presented, and future perspectives and the opportunities for training for both professionals and lay volunteers are discuss...
Published in Der Schmerz
Der Oberste Holländische Gerichtshof verfügte, daß in Ausnahmefällen die Beihilfe zum Suizid durch Ärzte gerechtfertigt sein kann, auch dann, wenn unerträgliches seelisches Leid und keine körperliche Erkrankung den Patienten quält. Ein neuerer Bericht aus den Niederlanden zeigt, daß ausdrückliches Verlangen nach Beihilfe zum Suizid in der psychiatr...
Published in Supportive Care in Cancer
The Oncology Home Care Service in Basel provides nursing support to let cancer sufferers choose where they receive palliative care. Most of the cost is borne by the patient's health insurance.
Published in Supportive Care in Cancer
The palliative care of cancer patients admitted for tumour-related symptoms to three different departments (medical oncology, radiotherapy, internal medicine) of a general hospital was prospectively audited. The physicians directly responsible for the patients provided prospective data by reporting both the diagnostic and therapeutic interventions ...
Published in Journal of Neurology
Mechanical ventilation is known to be an effective means of relieving symptoms of chronic hypoventilation and prolonging life in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Various methods of mechanical ventilation are available to patients with ALS. However, attitudes towards mechanical ventilation in ALS vary widely across different cultur...
Published in Supportive Care in Cancer
Three 4-hour bus rounds were organized as part of an international palliative care congress, to promote patient-based education both at home and in acute care hospitals. Patient cases were presented and discussed en route to and from each visit. A total of 23 medical specialists visited 16 patients (10 in three different hospitals and 6 at home). A...
Published in Journal of Neurology
Mechanical ventilation, both invasive and non-invasive, may be an effective means of improving the quality of life and prolonging the survival of patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the attitude towards this palliative measure varies greatly between different centres and countries. One of the arguments cited agains...
Published in International Journal of Clinical Oncology
Background Whether truth disclosure may harm patients may be critical for the promotion of truth disclosure in patients with cancer. We used the Functional Living Index-Cancer (FLIC) to study the influence of truth disclosure on quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients. Methods. Twenty-three truth-disclosed patients with cancer (TD group) and 21 tr...