These proceedings present preliminary results of the CIFOR project ‘Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Plantations”. They include papers from the third workshop of project partners held in Kerala, India, in December 1999. These papers complement those presented at a workshop in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in February 1998, which descri...
The establishment of energy balances in agriculture requires detailed knowledge of the interdependences between material and energy flows in agricultural production. Energetic analyses of agricultural production systems, production processes and farms can be carried out at different levels and for different purposes, e.g. for a comparative analysis...
'In dem Heft werden drei Papiere vorgestellt, die im Oktober 2000 auf einem Workshop in Heidelberg vorgetragen wurden. Gefragt wird danach, inwieweit die sog. 'new economy' mit neuen Formen der Arbeitsorganisation verbunden ist. Ziel des Workshops war es, eine theoriegestuetzte komparative Diskussion ueber die Erfahrungen in Japan, den USA und der ...