Márgenes del mercado en la agricultura : El caso de arroz en Colombia
Note on the world beef and mutton market, w. emphasis on exporting and importing countries, price evolution of fresh and frozen meat and on price indicators.
Data on milk production, and consumption and import of dairy products in tropical Africa, w. ref. to development constraints of dairy industry, milk prices and development policies.
Data on dairy product exporting and importing areas, and EEC stocks of butter & skim milk powder w. ref. to price trends, trade volume and market prospects.
Enumeration of non - tariff barriers facing meat exports and their impact on tropical African exports w. note on development efforts and prospects. Data on distribution of world beef imports and tropical African exports, beef prices in selected countries, and trend of beef exports from East Africa, Botswana and Swaziland.
Study on the trends of cattle herd, slaughtering, beef price and world trade of fresh and frozen meat, w. data on importing and exporting countries.
Development of trade in livestock and meat between countries of the sahelian zone and importing countries in west africa and central africa, with particular reference to price trends and effects of the drought on the breeding stock.
Study of sheep and goat production in tropical Africa, particularly animal numbers and production systems and regional geographic distribution & productivity potentials, w. outline of the need for future research on their potential performance under improved systems; data on adult body weight & production purposes; reproductive traits and mortality...
In July 1985 a regional workshop on cassava was held in Guadeloupe to identify and define common regional constraints to root crop development, evaluate the potential for further development of root crops in the region, and develop a program for regional network activities. Individual country reports presented discuss the role of the different root...