Seidenfuss, M. (comps.) (Stuttgart Univ....Krieg, R.karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
The local failure strains of essential reactor vessel components are investigated. The size influence of the components is of special interest. Typical severe accident conditions including elevated temperatures and dynamic loads are considered. The main part of work consists of test families with specimens under uniaxial and biaxial static and dyna...
Breitung, W.Alekseev, V.Kuznetsov, M.karlsruhe, forschungszentrumkarlsruhe, forschungszentrumDorofeev, S. (Forschungszentrum Karlsruh...karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
Results of an experimental study on limits for strong flame acceleration (FA) as a function of initial pressure are presented. The range of initial conditions studied covers the range of conditions typical for VVPSS ex-vessel LOCA scenarios. The experimental data give a basis for extension of FA #sigma#-criterion to the range of sub-atmospheric pre...
During the so-called boron dilution or cold water transients at pressurized water reactors too weakly borated water or too cold water, respectively, might enter the reactor core. This results in the insertion of positive reactivity and possibly leads to a power excursion. If the source of unborated or subcooled water is not located in all coolant l...