Camille François, De gré et de force: Comment l’État expulse les pauvres [Willingly and Not: How the State Evicts the Po...
status: published
status: published
status: published
Previous research has reported both positive and negative associations between school socioeconomic status (SES) and internalizing problems among adolescents. Little is known about cross-national differences in this association, as well as potential mediators and moderators. Therefore, this study investigated this association using representative c...
To investigate compensation through survivor’s pensions at widowhood in France, this paper uses an administrative dataset to exploit a large sample of survivors whose income is known several years before and after widowhood. An event study first identifies the effects of widowhood on men’s and women’s living standards. Then, I measure how much this...
status: published
status: Published online
Монетарное неравенство – глобальный вызов устойчивого развития как национальной, так и мировой социально-экономической системы. Проблема бедности препятствует экономическому росту, увеличивает социальную напряженность, выступает триггером социальных конфликтов, создает угрозу экономическому суверенитету. Обсуждение вопросов по решению проблем эконо...