Bergbau und Naturschutz
The 5th waste water congress again covered the whole spectrum of industrial and communal sewage and sludge treatment, from unit operations and problematic constituents to adapted control strategies to innovative overall concepts and performance data of existing plants. New membrane processes, surface treatment processes and textile finishing proces...
Im Projekt wurde eine bundesweite oekotoxikologische Sedimentkartierung grosser Fliessgewaesser durchgefuehrt. Dazu wurden insgesamt etwa 200 Sedimentproben aus 12 ausgewaehlten grossen Fluessen Deutschlands (Donau, Elbe, Ems, Main, Mosel, Neckar, Neisse, Oder, Rhein, Ruhr, Saar und Weser) auf ihre abiotischen Parameter (Schwermetalle, PAK, organis...
To an increasing degree the permissibility of mining projects is coming under the purview of nature conservation law. This field of law owes its current prominence largely to the amended Federal Nature Conservation Law and the recurrent effects of the communal habitat protection guidelines on mining operations. This has had momentous consequences f...
Um das Beratergremium Umweltrelevanter Altstoffe (BUA) bei der Erstellung von Stoffberichten zu unterstuetzen, wurden die Konzentrationen ausgewaehlter Verbindungen in Mineraloelprodukten ermittelt. Fuer die Untersuchungen wurden Proben der 3 Ottokraftstoffsorten (Normal, Super und SuperPlus) sowie von Dieselkraftstoff, Jet A 1 und Heizoel EL im De...
Full report: R and D technical report W2-014/TR Identification of oestrogenic effects in wild fish - Phase 2 / Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:7218. 474297(014) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply Centre / SIGLE / GB / United Kingdom
The annual report of the GKSS research centers presents selected activities from the research program: light weight structures for transportation and energy, synchrotron radiation for materials research development of x-ray mirrors for VUV-free electron lasers, membranes in process- and biomedical technology, neutralization of acid lakes, membranes...
The aims of data collection on ''Dioxin concentrations in the environment'' (see 3"r"d report of the Government/Laender working group on DIOXINS), and those of the ''Dioxin reference measuring program'' (cf 4"t"h Report) were achieved to a large degree. This was mainly owing to the data collected by the Laender and to the central database DIOXINS r...