Many articles have dealt with the advantages of spatially discriminating the abatement effort when the pollution is non-uniformly mixed. However, few authors have attempted to identify the impact of certain model parameters on the advantage of this discrimination. These parameters are the transfer coefficients, the parameters of the abatement cost ...
Based on a real case of contracting for environmental property rights, we explore several implications of Coase's insights. The case study adds empirical content to basic transaction costs concepts by analysing the design and implementation of a contractual arrangement between a pollutee—a bottler of mineral water—and several polluting farmers. We ...
The brochure provides information on wood chip furnaces in the range up to 1000 kW: Arguments in favour of wood fuel, wood chip furnaces up to 1 MW, physical and chemical foundations, calorific value, fuel quality grades, provision and preparation, drying, technical facilities, fuel characteristics, pollutant emissions, furnace systems, boiler and ...
Der Aussenhandelsverband fuer Mineraloel und Energie e.V. (AFM+E) und der Bundesverband mittelstaendischer Mineraloelunternehmen e.V. (UNITI), beide in Hamburg, arbeiten seit vielen Jahren zusammen. In dem gemeinsamen Jahresbericht informieren wir ueber unsere Arbeit im Jahr 2003 und die wesentlichen Gesichtspunkte fuer die Zukunft des mittelstaend...
The annual report 2003 of petroleum and natural gas industry displays the market situation, the political environment, production of petroleum and natural gas, sulfur production, taxes, pollution control, occupational safety, foreign activities. A second part contains statistical data. (uke) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinforma...