Faiz, Humayoun
Uppsala, the fourth largest city in Sweden is undertaking a significant transformative urban development initiative focused on corridor transit-oriented development (TOD). The program involves introducing a double-track tramway spanning 17 kilometers, stimulating significant growth within the nodes and along the tracks, aimed at enhancing the city’...
Söderberg, Rebecka
Social mix has become a goal of urban policy in the Western world. However, research has emphasised a lack of expected effects, such as increased social and economic opportunities for disadvantaged groups. In addition, the experiences of residents during the implementation phase are underexplored. The purpose of this article is to explore how resid...
Ericsson, Magnus Löf, Anton Löf, Olof Muller, Daniel B.
The world’s dependency on cobalt mines in Congo and cobalt refineries in China is seen as serious security issues with potentially dangerous implications for the energy transition. However, Chinese refineries have a similar supply security issue as most of its cobalt concentrates are imported. Most supply security studies take a country perspective...
Strömkvist, Fredrik Panduro, Noa
Polisutbildningen i Borås utbildar idag poliser i lagstiftningen kring vad som gäller när en polis ska verka med sitt skjutvapen. Lagstiftningen är från 1969 och kritiseras av poliser och andra som menar att den är för omfattande och juridiskt krånglig för att appliceras i en hastigt uppkommen polisiär situation där verkanseld kan aktualiseras. Med...
Ennerberg, Elin Lee, Jayeon
Genom reformeringen av arbetsrätten som trädde i kraft under 2022 har reglerna vid uppsägning blivit mer flexibla. Samtidigt stärktes individers möjligheterför att få omställningsstöd och kompetensutveckling via parternas förnyade omställningsavtal och omställningsorganisationer, samt genom det nya statliga omställningsstudiestödet. Omställningsorg...
Andrén, Malin
Slutprodukt för projektet Cirkulär kommun 2.0
Pettersson, Ove
The European Union consists of 27 countries with different history and cultural context. As the police are a part of the public administration, it is natural that national differences affect the organizations and tasks of the European police forces. Meanwhile, the growing international criminality and the need for international peace-building opera...
Murckova, Lenka
This study examines the impact of building use on the prevalence of illegal parking in Copenhagen. Illegal parking poses significant challenges to urban mobility, environmental sustainability, and urban aesthetics. By focusing on Copenhagen, a city renowned for its progressive urban policies and commitment to green mobility, this research investiga...
Andersson, Stefan
Drawing on sensegiving theory, utilizing interviews, doctrine studies and the-matic analysis methodology, this thesis investigates the prospects on Swedish Army´s tactical language to be efficient for facilitating situational awareness and issuing instructions in high-intensity warfare against a highly technolog-ical adversary in the land domain. I...
Halvardsson, Erik
This thesis analyses the two-child limit policy in the United Kingdom which is codified in section 10 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012, amended in section 14 of the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016, by utilising Carol Bacchi’s "What’s the Problem Represented to be?" (WPR) approach. The WPR approach draws on Foucauldian discourse theory and investigat...