Gasse, Baptiste
La révision de la programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie engagée en janvier 2019 fixe les priorités d'actions de l'État dans le domaine de l'énergie pour atteindre la neutralité carbone à l'horizon 2050. La diversification du mix de production électrique français est l'une des propositions émises par ce texte. Si le non recours à des centrales à ...
Hafsi, Karem
L’apport scientifique de cette thèse se concentre sur la résolution des défis particuliersliés à la stabilité et à l’optimisation des réseaux de distribution en courant continu (DC).Cette recherche vise à élaborer des stratégies de contrôle et des algorithmes d’optimisation avancés afin de maximiser l’intégration des sources d’énergies renouvelable...
Israilov, Sardor
Fish swimming remains a complex subject that is not yet fully understood due to the inter-section of biology and fluid dynamics. Through years of evolution, organisms in nature have perfected their biological mechanisms to navigate efficiently in their environment and adaptto particular situations. Throughout history, mankind has been inspired by n...
Nikitin, Mikhail (author)
With growing demand for air transportation, it is crucial to improve the efficiency of aircraft systems design. A key area of focus is the implementation of manufacturability considerations into the design process at early stages. This could be done by integrating manufacturability analysis modules into an MDAO workflow, however, each production me...
García-Morales, Jan Femenias, Guillem Riera-Palou, Felip
Published in
Mobile Networks and Applications
Modern cellular standards typically incorporate interference coordination schemes allowing near universal frequency reuse while preserving reasonably high spectral efficiencies over the whole coverage area. In particular, fractional frequency reuse (FFR) and its variants are deemed to play a fundamental role in the next generation of cellular deplo...
Idoudi, Hassan
This thesis aims to improve planning and executing population evacuations by integrating advanced simulation techniques within urban road networks. Although much research has been conducted using analytical methods, this thesis addresses specific gaps, especially in destination and route choices. It further introduces vehicular communication into e...
Clarke, Ross MacKinnon
Machine Learning has exploded in popularity in recent years, and now sees use in a huge variety of applications, from advertisement targeting and image generation to the recent proliferation of Large Language Models. At the heart of each setting is the problem of optimising model parameters to minimise some loss metric, so the chosen optimisation a...
Ebneali Samani, Arash Kayedpour, Nezmin Kayedpour, Farjam De Kooning, Jeroen Crevecoeur, Guillaume Vandevelde, Lieven
Bergström, Kristina
To ensure that wave power reaches its full potential it is important to optimise all aspects of the technology. The optimisation process requires us to consider computationally heavy simulations and several objective functions, so one should carefully choose which optimisation algorithm is most suitable. This study has reviewed three different mult...
Authier, Romain Pillot, Benjamin Guimbretiere, Guillaume Corral-Broto, Pablo Gervet, Carmen
Telles des miniatures de la Terre-planète propice à la vie, isolée dans l'espace hostile-, les petites îles sont définies comme des territoires habités aux ressources limitées et isolés par de vastes étendues d'eau salée. Ces territoires de faible superficie au regard de leur population croissante sont particulièrement vulnérables aux crises économ...