With Fifth Generation (5G) Networks, multiple heterogeneous services are supported such as the enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) service characterized by high throughput demand, the Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) service requiring a low latency and the massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) service favoring a high density of c...
Every day, advancements in manufacturing technology research and innovation yield a highly finished surface with lower labour and machining costs. The conventional materials that were frequently employed in the chemical, automotive, and aerospace industries have been replaced by materials like ceramics, metal matrix composites, polymers, and super ...
Amisse, MaximeFaur, MélissaGonard, LucieOrcesi, André
Le développement de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) est une priorité pour la France qui a instauré une stratégie nationale pour l’IA depuis 2018. Ce développement correspond à divers enjeux sur le plan de la recherche, de l’économie, de la modernisation de l’action publique, de la régulation et de l’éthique.Le contexte de la transition écologique ...
The Sliced Wasserstein (SW) distance has become a popular alternative to the Wasserstein distance for comparing probability measures. Widespread applications include image processing, domain adaptation and generative modelling, where it is common to optimise some parameters in order to minimise SW, which serves as a loss function between discrete p...
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, refers to a family of manufacturing technologies that use a layer-by-layer approach to converting digital models into physical components. The adoption of AM has offered significant sustainability benefits such as improved resource efficiency, extended product life, and reconfigured value chai...
The Solid Oxide Cells durability remains one of the main issue limiting the large-scale deployment of this technology. The high operating temperature (700°C-850°C) and polarization can induce reactivity between the cell components or microstructure evolution in the electrodes especially in electrolysis mode (SOEC). Specifically, the classical Ni-YS...