En Belice, la propiedad de la tierra se instituye en contextos coloniales marcados por una gran precariedad jurídica que desemboca en una gran complejidad político-territorial. El proceso de institución de la propiedad se da en varias fases que corresponden a etapas de la construcción colonial, cada una de las cuales genera distintos modelos de neg...
Trust and participation in social networks are inherently interrelated. We make use of India's demonetization policy, an unexpected and unforeseeable exogenous variation, to causally identify the effect of social networks in determining trust. We use first-hand quantitative and qualitative data from rural South India and control for individual char...
Calvo, T.Lavallée, E.Razafindrakoto, MireilleRoubaud, François
This paper studies the effects of armed conflict on social capital in Mali, where a violent conflict has been raging since 2012. We examine the conflict's impacts on associational membership using event location data and unique survey data on governance, peace and security (GPS-SHaSA). We show that, in conflict-exposed areas, adult involvement in a...
Éthique de la recherche en santé et en sciences sociales : enjeux et points de controverse à partir d'expériences de terrain en Chine du sud Évelyne MICOLLIER * Pour citer le chapitre : Micollier, Evelyne 2018 « Éthique de la recherche en santé et en sciences sociales : enjeux et points de controverse à partir d'expériences de terrain en Chine du s...
Ethnic inequality remains a persistent challenge for Viet Nam. This paper aims at better understanding this ethnic gap through exploring the formation of risk sharing networks in rural areas. It first investigates the differences in risk sharing networks between the ethnic minorities and the Kinh majority, in terms of size and similarity attributes...
Ethnic inequality remains a persistent challenge for Viet Nam. This paper aims at better understanding this ethnic gap through exploring the formation of risk sharing networks in rural areas. It first investigates the differences in risk sharing networks between the ethnic minorities and the Kinh majority, in terms of size and similarity attributes...