Jeschke, Sabina
Mathematische Forschung wird durch die technologische Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft, die sich insbesondere in der - revolutionär anmutenden - Steigerung mathematisch-numerischer Leistungsfähigkeit widerspiegelt, stark beeinflusst. Resultat ist ein Paradigmenwechsel in mathematischer Forschung ebenso wie in mathematischer Ausbildung: Neue Gebiete...
Gupta, Deepti
In classrooms where English is not the mother tongue and where age-old teaching methodology rules the roost, it is not easy to make changes, especially radical ones. This case study shows how these reforms can be self-defeating if they are imposed without an attempt at a gradual, gentle and well thought out implementation. This is a slightly modifi...
Sarsa Garrido, Javier García Pascual, Enrique
The curriculum of New Technologies, from the past (1992) to nowadays (2004). Starting at the 1993 Sevilla´s Meeting and through the previous JUTE gatherings, the current syllabus at the University of Zaragoza is presented. It will be showed how, from a situation in which the main points were the theoretical reflection and the epistemological and au...
Díaz Plata, Norberto
This investigation had purpose, to determine the impact in the students of the upper level in Valledupar city, as exposed to telematics new technologies Considering that if takes place by different factors that affects directly the behavior of the students. The study was carried out from the point of view of the student attitude, that is to say, th...
García Pascual, Enrique Sarsa Garrido, Javier
In this paper we present some proposals about continuous teacher training focused on: raising teachers awareness, deepening, obtaining a degree, etc. First of all, we have selected several data gathered from three studies relative to teachers´ motivation, whether for the higher level or not, referenced to five topics: availability of resources, tra...
Cabrera, Daniel
This paper constitutes an analysis of the so called new information technologies and communication, based on the main documents drafted due to its appearance, but mainly on those daily-handled public concepts that they themselves have generated, identified as ‘imaginary meanings’ —in Castoriadis's sense—. The article begins discussing some of the p...
Costa de Almeida Pereira, Josecleto
O presente artigo objetiva apresentar, de maneira pontual, as transformações da economia global e seus reflexos no mundo do trabalho, bem como focalizar as novas tecnologias como um processo de transformação política, social e cultural do nosso tempo. / The present article aims to present, in a punctual manner, the changes in the global economy and...
Campbell, Fiona Anne Kumari
Subjects designated by the neologism 'disability' typically experience various forms of marginality, discrimination and inequality. The response by social scientists and professionals engaged in social policy and service delivery has been to combat the 'disability problem' by way of implementing anti-discrimination protections and various other com...
Alvarez Castillo, José Luis
The information society, that is based on the technological revolution, is already a fact. The information and communication technologies also concern the education world -not only commerce and leisure-, and the education policy should take advantage of them. Our aim in this paper is to establish some benefits and limitations of technologies in edu...
Rey Romero, Álvaro
Las nuevas tecnologías están provocando un impacto social y cultural en los trabajadores. Aquí se aportan algunos elementos para la discusión sobre sus beneficios y desventajas