Publication search
with National Guidelines as keyword
Bergroth, Elin Torstensson, Greta
The global use of energy increases every day and to meet the growing demand, energy sources are constantly being developed to become more efficient and reliable. During the last decade, the global solar photovoltaics (PV) capacity has increased every year and in 2017, solar PV was the global leading power source of renewable energy. However, hazard...
Drees, Catharina Krevers, Barbro Ekerstad, Niklas Rogge, Annette Borzikowsky, Christoph McLennan, Stuart Buyx, Alena M
Published in
International journal of health policy and management
Priority setting in healthcare that aims to achieve a fair and efficient allocation of limited resources is a worldwide challenge. Sweden has developed a sophisticated approach. Still, there is a need for a more detailed insight on how measures permeate clinical life. This study aimed to assess physicians' views regarding (1) impact of scarce resou...
Berg, Matilda Fyhr, Mathias
Ökad miljömedvetenhet ökar anpassningen till ett klimatsmart samhälle där helt eller delvis elektriska bilar blivit populära. Med ökat antal elektriska bilar på vägarna tillkommer risker, som tidigare inte funnits, i form av litium-jonbatterier. Elfordon målas upp som en stor brandrisk men är det korrekt? Vid brand i ett parkeringsgarag...
Vingare, Emme-Li Giertz, Lottie Melin Emilsson, Ulla
Living with dementia, care and social care systems The aim of this article is to find out what impact national guidelines have on municipality dementia care. Furthermore, the aim is to compare organization of social care to the local adaptation of nationally invoked values. This article is connected to Living with dementia, care and social care sys...
Lo, Tong Jen Neo, Patricia S H Peh, Tan Ying Akhileswaran, Ramaswamy Chen, Wei Ting Lee, Angel
Published in
Journal of palliative medicine
Background: Palliative care guidelines and quality measures have been developed in many countries to improve the quality of care. The challenge is to implement quality measures nationally to improve quality of care across all settings. Objective: This article describes the development and implementation of National Guidelines for Palliative Care (N...
Leisnert, Leif Axtelius, Björn Johansson, Veronica Wennerberg, Ann
The aim of this study is to find out how professionals in Swedish dental care perform diagnostic procedures in general. Is there a common ground between dentists and dental hygienists concerning sharing different job assignments in an effective way? Are the methods of treatment used in accordance with degree of severity of the disease and to what e...