Solarenergienutzung und Waermerueckgewinnung - Modellhafte Energieversorgung am Beispiel der Domschule, Osnabrueck Absch...
All buildings are heated centrally. Solar systems cover about 50 percent of the freshwater heating requirements. In the summer season, the powerhouse and heating network can be shut off. A DDC system takes over all control and monitoring functions. Data of the heating system, the thermal solar systems and the PV system are recorded, stored, and dis...
The PVS simulation program for Windows was to be extended to the development and simulation of PV-supported equipment and small systems. The following new functions were to be integrated: a) Simulation and dimensioning of indoor power supply of systems with different light sources and independent outdoor systems. b)Integration of small wind generat...
Im Analyseband (Band 1) werden die rechtlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen der Landesklimaschutzpolitik dargestellt, gefolgt von einer Analyse dieser Politik hinsichtlich ihrer Entwicklung, Ziele und Schwerpunkte, bestehenden Hindernissen, zukuenftiger Ausrichtung, Handlungsoptionen und Beispiele fuer die Erschliessung neuer Taetigkeitsgebiet...