Jara Vaca, Fanny Liliam Villa Escudero, Irma Catalina Rodríguez Heredia, Sandra Paulina Guadalupe Orozco, Carlos Enrique
The main objective of this research is to analyze the new perspectives of scientific research in the field of higher education: a study from ICTs in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and equality for women in Ecuador. A qualitative-quantitative study was carried out, with a phenomenological design and an exploratory scope. It was determined that...
Menéndez, Salvio Martín Vazquez Neira, Leonel Fernando
In this article we propose to account for the different movements of a discursive strategy that we call “Elaboration of a court ruling”, within the framework of three criminal court rulings in which a differential evaluation of the behavior of men and women was carried out from a stereotyped view of women to base the decision. Our proposal is part ...
Lucas, Laura de Castro Correia, Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Castagna Lunardi, Fabrício
Women have seen their role in the Portuguese labour market grow and gain prominence since the Carnation Revolution, in April 1974. The composition of this article was based on literature review and the collection of secondary data through databases, and it was through these that the PESTEL analysis was developed. This study sought to understand how...
Ortiz Brandão, Renata
This article, developed in the light of the materialist discourse analysis, in interface with the anti-capitalist feminist theory, has as its object of analysis the discourse of female parliamentarians who are part of the Social Liberal Party in Brazil, specifically the statements of three of them: Janaína Paschoal, Joice Hasselmann and Soraya Thro...
Araújo, LetíciaTsukada de Girotto, Eduardo
This article aims to discuss the role of women and the mother in the pedagogies of Johann Pestalozzi and Friedrich Froebel. To do so, we first summed up their contributions to pedagogy to then comprehend how such authors see the role of women in the education of the children. The delimitation of an assignment to the role of women in the education o...
Maffioleti, Camila de Souza, Daniel Cerdeira Beiras, Adriano
We sought to identify which are the motivations for the crime of femicide. We performed a data collection in the SCIELO, CAPES, and BVS journals, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, including articles published between 2015 and 2019. We selected 11 researches that met the inclusion criteria. The results were organized into eight categories: “Separ...
Fonseca, Dagoberto José
This article aims to present southern Africa, its different sociocultural relations, with the issues involving women their focus of approach. The theoretical basis that guides the article is aimed at an expansion and bibliographic review and an interpretative methodology of social relations. From this point of view, the denaturalization of these re...
Paula, Luciane de Sant'ana, Carolina Gomes
Brazil lives through a rising of the extreme right, led by Bolsonaro, with his negationism, fundamentalism, and militarism, the promotion of violence and discrimination to various groups, including women. The number of feminicide and the rates of domestic violence and rape in 2019 and 2020 are alarming. This article proposes an analysis of speeches...
Ilzarbe López, Isabel
Medieval hagiography had an important didactic function. These stories were useful for the Catholic Church because they allowed to transmit values, models of behavior and complex ideas to the parishioners. In this research work we will explore three hagiographic works in verse written in different areas of the Iberian Peninsula during the thirteent...
Dias, Mariana Argoud
Este trabalho aborda sobre a formação do estereótipo da telejornalista brasileira, a partir da análise do padrão de aparência das telejornalistas dos três jornais de maior audiência da Rede Globo – Bom Dia Brasil, Jornal Hoje e Jornal Nacional. Para isso, realizou-se uma análise documental sobre as características das telejornalistas que apareceram...