Gonçalves de Carvalho, Luciana Castro, Laiane Katrine Silva
A partir da trajetória de vida de uma quilombola reconhecida na comunidade em que vive como "mulher-homem" e "mulher de dois tempos", este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as representações elaboradas acerca das relações de gênero entre famílias que executam atividades agroextrativistas como meio de vida. O local de estudo é a comunidade remanes...
Silva, Júlia Beims
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Produção / Mulheres vivem constantemente com medo de serem vítimas de violência. Estatísticas nacionais e locais indicam que este é um problema grave em nossa sociedade. Enquanto programas sociais não evoluem para resolver esse problema, o sistema judiciário ...
Alves de Lima, Leilane Silva Reverdito, Riller Lopez de Subjana, Cristina Rafaela Galatti, Larissa Folle, Alexandra
The objective was to analyze the development process of the sports career of Brazilian ath-letes who are handball world champions. A retrospective study was carried out with seven athletes, focusing onthe main episodes of the sports career, from initiation to elite sport. Da-ta were collected through individual semi-structured interviews and was an...
Noblet, Bertrand
The gender counter-revolution, driven by the Franquist dictatorship, is also reflected in the History textbooks. The quantitative study of women in the manuals shows not only the reduction of their presence, but also the strengthening of stereotypes that justifies their sidelining from power. The textbooks reaffirm the maternal vocation of women, w...
Cavalcante, Bruno Rogério Silva Souza, Silvana Aparecida de
This work is composes a PhD research, which aimed to identify some of the factors that influence the participation and protagonism of women in the organization of Manejo Florestal Comunitário (MFC)(Community Forest Management). The locus of the research was the Nossa Senhora do Perpetuo Socorro do Rio Arimum Community, in the Verde Para Sempre Extr...
Castanha, Liliane Lima, Maria Regina Tusky de Pecoraro, Tatiane
The present study goal was to understand how the reception of women victims of violence in Primary Health Care happens and all the implications arising from this demand. The different forms of violence, reception practices and challenges of professional performance were investigated through the bibliographic review method and discourse analysis of ...
Landim de Carvalho, Larissa Pinheiro, Veralúcia
The research developed here concerns the criminalization of popular practices by women, triggered around the 16th century, a period in which the rise of the capitalist mode of production took place with its respective transformations in the western world, involving the whole of social life. From this historical approach, we sought to reflect the le...
Rodrigues, Aurea Maria Pires Correia, Elder Silva Zoboli, Fabio
The present paper intends to map "the power over women's bodies" and "the power of women's bodies" in an attempt to understand the constitution of the body-territory from the lines that cross and cut it - the affections of which it is capable of. To this end, two paintings from the "Atlas" collection by the Spanish painter and illustrator Fernando ...
Andrade, Julyana Nascimento de Almir do Nascimento, José
We sought to understand how nuns from an inserted small community in the popular environment constructed meanings of gender and femininity in order to provide answers to the demands of participation and autonomy of the women with whom they lived. We used concepts of “Patriarchy” and “Religious Life in Inserted Small Communities in the Popular Envir...
de Almeida, Maria Imaculada Fernandes Timbane, Alexandre Antonio
All societies have a culture that dictates the rules of being and being in society. Culture is one of the most important practices in the affirmation of a people's identity. Cultures change as society adapts to new models of life. In many cases, what causes changes is the contact between peoples causing one group to assimilate the practices of the ...